DIY New Baby Gift Baskets

When it comes time to make that first visit to meet a new little love, you certainly don’t want to arrive empty handed.  While pretty much anything you bring is appreciated (especially dinner so cooking can be avoided for awhile), something I enjoy giving is a themed baby basket!  This can be made in a variety of ways, whether it’s girly, boyish, or gender neutral!  Here are just a couple ideas that you can use, including free printable tags and a Do Not Disturb door hanger!
A secret that I’ve come to know about making the perfect gift basket is always stocking up ahead of time.  The Target dollar spot is one of my favorite go-to places.  Anytime I see a cute, little basket…whether it be wooden, plastic, metal, I always snag one (knowing I will use it sometime in the future!).   This little woven basket is a prime example!
While this basket was for a baby boy, it can definitely be adjusted to be given to a girl. In this basket, I included the following items (click on each for more info):
“Baby is Sleeping” Door Hanger in Blue Waves OR Green Polka Dot
One of the finishing touches that I always add to a gift basket is a cute tag of some sort!  All you do is punch a hole through the top, string some yarn or festive twine through and you’re set.  Often times, I write a little note on the back to serve as a card!  Get the “Oh Sweet Baby” tag for FREE below!
“OH SWEET BABY” GIFT TAG – BLUE (Download below)
With a lot more people wanting to be surprised these days as to the gender of their baby, it can be difficult to put together a gift in advance, especially in you’re wanting to have it ready to bring when visiting the family at the hospital.  If you’re in search of something gender neutral, this themed gift basket is a great way to show you care!
Click on the items below to create your next basket!
Any green colored scented candle (w/ Dirty Diaper Diffuser label)
Download the free printable tags below!
Again, I can’t stress enough the secret to creating a gift basket that doesn’t require a lot of time and energy.  I truly believe that half the reason we give gift cards are for ease and simplicity.  But sometimes, the thought factor is eliminated.  To give a thoughtful gift without a lot of preparation, you need to snag items when you see them (even if you’re unsure of what to do with them at the exact moment).  This wired basket was a Target dollar spot swoop, as were the tiny little clothespins!
I knew they would come in handy at some point….and voila, they certainly did!

Subscribe below to download all 3 color options!

Baby Door Hanger

This snuggly, little puppy was given as a gift to my son when he was born.  He sleeps with it EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.  It definitely has seen its days and looks tattered and worn LOVED on by him. You can tell this puppy has provided a lot of comfort and cuddles.  If you’re not a gift basket type of person, this little pup would make the perfect present.  In fact, this is what my son gave his new cousin as a welcome home gift!
Something I included in the Pea Pod Themed Baby Basket was this little candle and sticker label!  If you’ve ever changed a baby’s dirty diaper before, you are well aware how long that lovely smell can linger!  This little treat is added to the basket for mama’s sake.  Add a candle of your choice to the mix and stick on this circular label to the top or side of the candle.  It adds a cute and creative touch!
Dirty Diaper Diffuser Circle Sticker (Free Printable Download Below)
These gift baskets are great for welcoming home a new little cherub, but also can be given at baby showers, too!  Go ahead and give it a try. It’ll be worth the effort!
 * If you’ve already subscribed, go to your confirmation email to get them!*
A few other items that I have LOVED receiving or giving for a baby is shared below.
I hope you love them just as much as I have/do:
Personalized Stat Blocks 
I See Me Personalized Children’s Books
Personalized NAME gifts
Here are some more ideas for what to get a baby with my TOP 5 BABY GIFT IDEAS!! 

For more fun baby shower ideas check out what a few of my blog buddies made!

Four Fun & Easy Baby Shower Ideas

Diaper Bouquet from Tastefully Frugal

Chocolate Dipped Brownies from Love To Be In The Kitchen

DIY Jellyfish Tag Toy from Flourish and Knot

                                                   Okay, it’s time to go spoil a baby or two!  
MM Signature FINAL

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  1. This is so cute! The perfect present for anyone at a baby shower. This makes me excited for my own baby (boy) coming in less than 3 months!

    • mellymoments says

      Thanks for stopping by, Becky! How exciting that you have a little one on the way. Do you know what you’re having or are you being surprised? Hope you’re feeling well!

  2. Fabulous gift idea! I love the books and swaddles you chose – and the dirty diaper diffuser is a great touch. I’m so glad to be doing this baby shower hop with you!

    • mellymoments says

      Right back at ya! Thanks for stopping by 🙂 It was a fun blog hop to be a part of!