4 Ways to Help a Mom Stay Sane!

Mother’s Day is a week away and I KNOW that we are all thinking about the perfect gift for that very special mom in our life.  OR, you may be a husband who wants to show his wife how much he appreciates everything she does for the family.

Well, coming from one herself, let me tell you what moms really want/need to maintain our sanity.

Forego the flowers.

Skip the new shoes.

 Bypass the breakfast in bed.

      All of these are nice and all.  They definitely wouldn’t go unappreciated.  But to REALLY show your gratitude, here are 4 ways you can make a mom happy and help her stay sane!

Mom SANE Blog Pic (SQ)

1.  S (Stock Up)

After a long day of cooking meals, doing laundry, wiping noses, settling arguments, singing songs, playing chauffeur, helping with homework, cleaning the house, and wearing the many different hats that moms often do, it’s important that she is able to completely unwind at night. In order for moms to relax and decompress, make sure to have the fridge or pantry stocked with three very important items….coffee, chocolate, & wine.  It’s amazing just how simple it can be to make mama happy.

2. A (Alone Time)

This perhaps is one of the best gifts you can give to a mom.  Hands down.  PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Children are wonderful and we love em, no doubt, but they sure can drain the energy right out of you by day’s end. The demands of being a mom can be overwhelming at times. For a mom to feel happy and healthy, she needs time to herself…time to clear her head, time to do the things she enjoys, time for peace and quiet.   She may just want to take a shower alone, go to the bathroom alone, drink her cup of coffee alone, or maybe even get out of the house and walk through the aisles of her favorite store (Target, anyone?!)….whatever it is, just let her decide….no questions asked.  Time alone will rejuvenate her and allow her to come back ready to take on the world again!

3. N (Naps)

Sleep deprivation might actually be a form of torture.  Seriously.  Cat naps can truly save the day and allow a mom to bounce back when it really matters.  When you see her energy starting to fade, stop in your tracks and tell her to go rest.  Assure mom that you’ve got the kids for a couple hours and everything will be taken care of.  Take them OUT of the house, where she can’t hear any fighting, whining, or….any noise for that matter. Added bonus? Giving her time to sleep in on a weekend while you take the kids out for a donut date would earn you extra brownie points!

4. E (Exercise)

Real exercise….OR exercise in the form of yoga pants, legs stretched out on the couch, watching her favorite shows on Netflix….just let her decide.  If mom enjoys being active, encourage her to go out for a run, take a bike ride, or hit up the gym (with a trip to the sauna after!).  Moms actually WANT to stay in shape and feel good about their bodies, but often times, exercising is put to the wayside because she doesn’t have the time.  Carve out time in the week when she can do these things without feeling guilty.  She will feel more energized, motivated, and be an overall happier person!

If  you can make it your duty to remember these 4 things even after Mother’s Day and work it into your daily/weekly habits, I promise that you will have a happy and SANE mom!

MM Signature FINAL

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  1. I approve this message! Thank you for helping our families keep us S.A.N.E. this Mother’s Day! <3

    • mellymoments says

      Thanks for stopping by Melly Moments and checking out this post, Michelle! Glad you were able to relate 🙂