5 parts of raising kids that are a blessing & a curse

Yes, I love my son…..without question.  But, raising a kid is HARD WORK!  Whether you are a parent to one, two, three…heck, 19 children, you are bound to experience times of pure joy and complete madness.  Not all of this parenting gig is sunshine and flowers.  Sometimes it is, but other times you’re pulling out your hair.   Let’s face it, there are certain aspects of raising kids that can be both a blessing AND a curse…

1. MILESTONES           
From rolling over to crawling to saying your first word to walking & talking, the milestones never stop.  Birth to college, you’ll always be monitoring your child’s progress.  
When your child reaches a milestone, they usually gain more confidence, independence, and rely on you less and less for help.  They may become more motivated to try new things and take risks.  We highly anticipate the moments when our kids can do tasks all by themselves…blow their own nose, go potty without needing you to wipe, tie their own shoes, make their own lunch, and so many other important life skills.  These are things we celebrate.  We feel proud of our kids.  This shows that they are growing up to be self sufficient human beings.
Oh, but when they do meet a milestone, be prepared…..as it will bring along a whole new set of troubles!  When your toddler begins to walk, in fact run, bike without training wheels). But, it takes a lot of patience…especially when little Susie is determined to do something all by herself, with NO help from mom or dad.  It’s great that your child WANTS to figure it out all on his or her own, BUT….we HAVE to be somewhere in 10 minutes and it will take no less than 15 minutes to put on one shoe, let alone two.  Heavily sighing, we grumble and think to ourselves, “I don’t have TIME for this independence stuff!” Remember, with each new feat they accomplish, you will probably have gained 10 new gray hairs in the process.

Speaking of milestones, one of the earlier ones that we get so excited about is when your child says his/her first word!  Things are about to get fun!
Mama?  Dada?  To hear their sweet, little voice exclaim something happily can be music to our ears. The babbling and gibberish that we can’t quite decipher is, at first, endearing.  We look forward to the days when we can fully understand their sweet sentiments and hold full fledge conversations with them.  We wait for the first time they utter the words, “I Love You” or “You’re the Best!”  Your child will flatter and compliment you better than anyone else ever will.
DA…   (Um, Dog?) 
DA…   (You said Daddy!)
DA…  (Ohhhh, you meant duck?) 
DAAAAAAA!!  (You want down?!?!)

  (Yes, that’s a ball!)
BA…  (Wait, you want your bottle….)
BABABABABA!  (Uh…a banana?!?!)                
Yama Shish!
Goh Wah Mobbbba!


CHILD…I have NO idea what you are saying. Saying it more frequently and louder will still not help me understand you.

There are many moments when you can’t quite decipher what your child is saying and WISH for the day when they can speak more clearly and communicate more effectively.  THAT IS UNTIL…..the talking never stops. Questions are endless, the words NO and WHY become overly used words in their vocabulary, negotiating is their best weapon, you can no longer spell out words to avoid them hearing you, and interruptions are a constant factor of daily life.  Top all of it off with a sassy attitude and you will quickly find yourself wondering why you ever wished for your child to talk more.

As the infamous saying goes, “Silence is Golden”.  Or is it??
Driving in the car without the radio on, being able to hear your own thoughts for one second is pure bliss.  No kids arguing in the backseat.  No sing songy tunes coming through your speakers.  No distractions of any kind.  Just silence.  Reading a book in peace may not be something you get to do often, but when you have complete silence, it sure is a treat. While silence may come infrequently, it certainly is a gift not to be taken for granted.  Silence truly is golden….UNLESS YOU HAVE KIDS.

Then, silence becomes suspicious.  Silence can be quite dangerous when it comes to a creative and curious child….especially toddlers!! The moment when you realize your child is out of sight and not a peep has been made is when silence isn’t welcomed. It happens in an instant.  The very first thought that comes to mind is, “Where are they and what have they gotten into?” It always seems that you turn the corner to some kind of lovely surprise…. a bag of flour just torn open covering every inch of the kitchen, toilet paper blanketing the bathroom floor, lipstick smeared all over their face….anything messy, dangerous, or shocking…..always happens in silence.   
4.  FOOD
As a parent, you begin to grow a love/hate relationship with food….more specifically, the relationship between food and your children.
Dinner time is one of the best ways to connect with your kids.  Eating a meal together allows for meaningful discussions to take place.  You celebrate BIG when your kids take chances and try new foods!  This gives you more flexibility in deciding your menu for the week. Making meals doesn’t have to be a dreadful, arudous task.
But, what IS dreadful is when your toddler prefers eating wood chips over the food you tirelessly made just for him.  Even more frustrating is when newly discovered food is no longer just for eating, but rather, used for target practice or as a hair conditioner substitute.  Guacamole and yogurt always seem to work best. It’s especially lovely when it gets smashed by their fat chubby little fingers and smeared through every strand of hair.
90% of the time, the main food disaster involves crackers of some kind.  Somehow, they are found hidden EVERYWHERE….in every nook and cranny, from the bottom of your purse to the creases of their car seat.   Goldfish cracker crumbs will long be a sight that makes you cringe.
5.  TOYS
With such a variety of toys these days, you are bound to find ones that will keep your child entertained, engaged, and occupied. 
There are loads of toys on the market that encourage creativity and foster learning.  Toys help build a child’s imagination.  The variety of toys offered to kids these days is overwhelming. You can learn your ABC’s, to count, and how to share with others….all through the use of toys.  They are a great tool for your child’s growth and development.
But, can someone PLEASE tell me why kids would rather play with an empty cardboard box over the colorful, light up, musical toy with all the knobs and gears displayed on it?!?  Your child can have baskets FULL of toys, big and small, but for some odd reason…..they always revert to the household item that is 3/4 of the price that one of their toys cost.  A spatula, a plastic water bottle, a magazine, tissue paper, the remote control…..these all seem to captivate and sustain their attention more than any one toy they own!I can’t fail to mention that with all of these household items that they pick up and play with for a mere few seconds….then tossing over their shoulder in search of the next enticing toy….. kids NEVER fail to leave behind a mess.  A complete war zone.  It’s as if a tornado spun through your house.

Let’s also not forget that by the time your kids are grown, you will without a doubt have feet of STEEL! This is strictly from all the instances you accidentally step on legos, fighter figurines, Polly Pocket pieces and any other small toys that are constantly sprinkled across the floor!  Do they have a superhero with that special power….feet of steel??  If not, they should invent one and call it SUPER MOM or SUPER DAD.  That would supersede Superman, Batman, Spiderman….you name it!

Oh, toys….you can be the best and the worst all wrapped into one.                          

And these are just 5 of the ways that raising kids 
are both a blessing and a curse.
Can you think of any that you would add to this list?? 


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