DA… (You said Daddy!)
DA… (Ohhhh, you meant duck?)
DAAAAAAA!! (You want down?!?!)
BA… (Yes, that’s a ball!)
BA… (Wait, you want your bottle….)
BABABABABA! (Uh…a banana?!?!)
Yama Shish!
Goh Wah Mobbbba!
CHILD…I have NO idea what you are saying. Saying it more frequently and louder will still not help me understand you.
There are many moments when you can’t quite decipher what your child is saying and WISH for the day when they can speak more clearly and communicate more effectively. THAT IS UNTIL…..the talking never stops. Questions are endless, the words NO and WHY become overly used words in their vocabulary, negotiating is their best weapon, you can no longer spell out words to avoid them hearing you, and interruptions are a constant factor of daily life. Top all of it off with a sassy attitude and you will quickly find yourself wondering why you ever wished for your child to talk more.
Let’s also not forget that by the time your kids are grown, you will without a doubt have feet of STEEL! This is strictly from all the instances you accidentally step on legos, fighter figurines, Polly Pocket pieces and any other small toys that are constantly sprinkled across the floor! Do they have a superhero with that special power….feet of steel?? If not, they should invent one and call it SUPER MOM or SUPER DAD. That would supersede Superman, Batman, Spiderman….you name it!
Oh, toys….you can be the best and the worst all wrapped into one.