5 Things I Miss During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a wonderful thing, but it certainly has its downfalls, too!  There are many things women miss over the course of our 9 (actually 10) month journey…..common vices like wine, daily cups of coffee, and fitting into your skinny jeans without the need for a belly band.Being pregnant for the 2nd time now, I realize that there are a few things, aside from the obvious listed above,  that I REALLY miss.   If only I could have these 5 things again, life would feel slightly more normal….

1.  The Sauna
Can I get an amen?!  This is by far my favorite part of going to the gym. After a good workout, nothing beats relaxing and sweating out all those toxins in the sauna.  What better way to destress and relax.  It’s bad enough that I can’t sleep on my stomach or drink wine, but eliminating the sauna just doesn’t cut it for me.  It’s like my dessert or congratulatory high five after a long day of hard work!
2.  Normal Dreams
Oh how I yearn for you to come back to me!!  If my dreams are anything like they were during my first pregnancy, I’m really in for it.  It’s as if Quentin Tarantino became the director of my dreams. All I can say is VIOLENT. From poisonous snakes biting me and spreading venom throughout my entire body to being strapped to an operating table, wide awake, as a serial killer performs surgery on me…..lord knows what I will dream about this time around.  Why do they have to be so vivid and disturbing?!  If they aren’t this….then they are just plain weird.  Can I just go back to my sane and happy dreams, please…..I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
3.  Anonymity
You never fully realize the beauty of privacy and anonymity until you are about 7 months pregnant and EVERYWHERE you go, someone has a comment to make.  If a comment isn’t made, then you can be sure someone is staring at you.  It’s as if your belly is a piece of art on display at a museum… onlookers constantly gawking at you.  Yes, I realize pregnancy and motherhood is an exciting topic of discussion or something to be marveled, but sometimes I just want to get my errands done without feeling like a spotlight is brightly shining down on me….especially on my not so flattering days.
4.  My Memory
Why?!  Someone please tell me why in the world it is so stinkin hard to remember things while you’re pregnant.  Being that I am naturally a forgetful person, this only adds to my problem.  I feel like by the time I hit the 3rd trimester, I’ve already completely worn out the “pregnancy brain” excuse.  What day of the week is it?  Where are my car keys?  What’s my name again?  Seriously….it’s that bad. Last year, when I was 8 months pregnant, I sent a card in the mail.  About a week later, it came back and I just didn’t understand why.  After staring at the envelope for a second, I realized that I forgot to include the recipients address.  All I put was “Grandma _____”.  Surely the postal worker knows where Grandma So and So lives, right?  They can figure it out!  Sigh…..if only my memory didn’t escape me so soon during pregnancy.  Not quite sure how I manage to get through the day sometimes.
5.  Having Energy

Oh, the fatigue.  It’s brutal.  When I was 8 weeks along, I remember thinking, ” Ohhhh energy…where are you??  I can’t seem to find you anywhere.  Please come back to me. I beg this of you!”  For the entire first trimester (okay, let’s be honest….more like the whole stinkin pregnancy), I felt completely depleted ….drained of all energy.  This totally sucks for a fast paced person like myself.  For months 1-3, all I wanted to do was take a nap.  Waking up in the morning is an enormous struggle, where I am practically peeling myself off the mattress.  I’m sure this feeling has been enhanced the second time around considering I now have an 18 month old little boy to chase after all day long.Fast forward to months 7 and beyond when you are as big as a beluga whale and EVERY SINGLE task requires extended time and energy.  Tasks you often take for granted completely wipe you out…..tying your shoes, shaving your legs, putting on socks, blowdrying your hair, going up or down stairs…..basically, anything that requires you to move.  If there is anything I miss during pregnancy, this one I reminisce about the most.   The day we meet again, I will hold onto you and cherish you forever.  Pinky Promise 🙂

When July comes and this baby arrives, I will happily embrace these 5 treasures back into my life again.  
Oh what a glorious reunion it will be!!
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