A Note Card

Notecard Blog Pic2

I have two young boys.

The question that lingers most often in my head is…

“What type of impact will I have on them?”.

Just recently, I read an article called Words of Wisdom on www.parentcue.org. The author, Autumn Ward, shares a story about an experience she had while attending her son’s college orientation.  She was given a single note card and asked to write a few words of wisdom to her child. This could have gone one of two ways: A.) She casually scribbles down a few thoughts and hands it back in.  B.) She shells out a few powerful tidbits that her son will hold onto and carry with him into adulthood.

A note card and a few minutes was all she was equipped with.  

If this were me, I’d be stumped.  Where do I begin? What to say…

Autumn felt pressure to make her words matter, but said,

“I know my kids will never remember everything I say to them.  But I do know there are a few things they will always remember because I have chosen to say them over and over and over again.”

  She challenges us to think about these things NOW as we are in the midst of raising our children. What words we will say to our kids over and over again, that they will hear repeatedly, becoming engrained in their minds and lodged in their hearts?

Before I know it, I will be in Autumn’s shoes and 17 years have passed me by!

                    I decided to sit down and think about what I would want my note card to say…                   (Enter Trace Adkin’s, “You’re Gonna Miss This” in the background)  

Three things I would write on my note card:

 1.  Hustle and Heart

Three simple words.  These are the ones I would want to be playing on repeat in their heads.  I want my boys to know that hustle and heart is what sets you apart. HUSTLE. With anything in life, you have to work hard.  Success doesn’t mean you got the best grade, finished first, or scored the highest.  It doesn’t equal winning the championship game, making the most money, or obtaining the highest degree.  Success means more and comes first through hard work. Work hard to achieve your goals.  Work hard to be a good friend.  Work hard to better yourself, both physically and mentally. You have to wake up every day and give it your very best in all that you do.  Don’t let the gifts and talents that God gave you go to waste. But you can’t only rely on the hustle. It’s critical for it to be paired with HEART.  Have a generous and kind heart. Kindness is contagious and doesn’t cost much. A phrase I tell my boys each day when I drop them off to school is, “Find a way to be KIND today.” So many of us strive to develop good habits, mostly centered around health/fitness, work and productivity, home organization/decluttering, etc. But, how much of our focus and energy is directed toward cultivating kindness on a daily basis? Is this a habit we create consistently?  It requires a combo of BOTH hustle and heart to reach your goals and dreams!

2.  Stand Tall

Always take the high road and stand tall.  

Stand tall in defeat.  Hold your head up high, learn from your mistakes, and build upon the losses.

Stand tall in your convictions.  Even when life throws a few curveballs, don’t waiver or second guess. Stay true to yourself and stand up for what you believe in.

Stand tall with integrity.  Keep your promises and your word.  Do the right thing regardless of who is watching.

3.  Be HIP

Being HIP is typically synonymous with being “in the know” or fitting in.  This day and age, “fitting in” means you have the best of everything. You keep up to date on all the new fads and trends.  You hang with the “cool kids”.  I want my boys to view being “HIP” as something completely different.  I want them to associate the word HIP as being humble, impactful, and positive

H – Humble

Rather than celebrating your accomplishments, find ways you can rally for those around you!  Do your best not to seek credit for personal feats. Rather than wanting to be recognized, look for the things that others do well and praise them!  Be a gracious winner. Be humble in victory.  Bring out the best in others and never forget that doing a collective work with the help of others is much more purposeful than doing something alone and relying on your own strengths.

I –  Impactful

Make an impact, with your words, actions, resources, time and energy. Think carefully how you spend the hours in a day.    Be intentional with your time, inclusive with your relationships, and always willing to lend a helping hand, even if it seems as though they don’t deserve it. Strive to live a life that impacts others so that they are inspired through your words and actions. Make a difference in your community.  Go out of your way to inconvenience yourself and be compassionate to all around you.  Fight for a worthy cause.  Do everything you can to better someone else’s life.

P – Positive

Your attitude affects your outcomes.  You have a choice when you wake up every single morning if the glass is half empty or half full! Try to find the good in everyone and every situation, no matter how difficult it may be.  Keep a smile on your face, as it helps you during life’s most trying of times. Adopt an optimistic mindset, knowing that the struggles and failures strengthen your character and make you a better version of yourself. Stay positive and laugh as much as you can along the way.  There is always a silver lining in each day!

Hustle and Heart

Stand Tall


These are the words I would write down on my one and only note card.

What would you write on yours?

MM Signature FINAL

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  1. Profound advice! Love the meaning behind the simple sayings. ❤️

    • mellymoments says

      Thanks, Renee! I just hope these are phrases that will stick with my boys throughout the years!