Big Green Monster

Nope…not a movie cartoon character.  Monster’s Inc. is cool and all, but….  

I’m talking about the egg…the BIG GREEN EGG.  It’s our new grill and our new little friend that we will heavily rely on this summer.  That’s right….it’s all about bbq time!!  One of my absolute favorite parts about summer is hanging out with friends and family….of course being accompanied by bbq food.  Being outside on your deck, sun shining in your face, and a burger on your plate is as good as it gets…..aside from the hundreds of welts I typically acquire from those relentless mosquitos that love my Irish skin.  But hey, it’s all about sacrifice 🙂   Anyways…burgers weren’t on the menu for tonight’s dish. It was even better…RIBS!  Kyle and I decided to try something besides burgers, brats, or chicken….the standard dinner options. Let me introduce you to the star of the show……drum roll please…..

Thought I was talking 
about master chef, Kyle?
(yes, you were stellar.)


I was really referring to…

Mean, Green, Grillin Machine

So, this contraption looks a bit odd, I know.  But, it’s not too shabby…not at all.   Kyle got this puppy a few weeks back and couldn’t wait to try it out.   This weekend was a relaxing one and last night it luckily DID NOT RAIN, for once. (we’re getting quite used to rain these days).  So, after running a few errands, we came home to start dinner.  We decided on ribs, sweet potato fries, corn on the cob, and brussel sprouts……YUM!

Ribs on the grill to start….took about 2 to 2 1/2 hours.  So to pass some time, we decided to take a ride on our bikes.   It was slightly chilly outside, 
so we made it a quick trip!
After we got home, it was time to eat!!  We were pretty happy with the finished results.  Hey, not bad for the first time, eh?   We definitely have a lot of learning to do when it comes to cooking, but we are willing to give anything a try.  Me….I may char/burn or completely obliterate the food, 
so I will leave the grilling up to him for now.  
After dinner, we were completely STUFFED….I’m not kidding, like beached whale stuffed.  I have to laugh….because I literally felt like you had to roll me over to the couch.  My stomach was THAT full.   Well, that is until dessert was mentioned…magically.  We just so happened to have the proper ingredients ready for an ice cold smoothie (my favorite!!)  

It was the icing on the cake.  I probably gained 5 pounds from that meal alone last night, but hey, sometimes you gotta let go and splurge a little, right?  Well, I’d like to think so 🙂  

And you…..

What are some of your 
summertime favorites?

Comment and tell me your favorite things about this amazing season

Until next time….CARPE DIEM 

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