Halloween Monster Prints

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE getting geared up for the holidays….and Halloween is no exception!  I remember as a kid getting so excited about all of the festive decorations that were in the halls of my school, classrooms, and all around my house .  Spiderwebs donning doors, pumpkins on the front porch, spooky skeletons sitting on shelves….let’s face it, I’ll always be a kid at heart. Not sure about you, but stores like Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and {Read More}

Teacher Cookie/Coffee Gift Tags

Well, summer has come and gone, which means it’s BACK TO SCHOOL TIME!  My two boys just  started preschool and pre-k!  Being a former teacher, and currently, a mom raising three littles, I understand the amount of energy it takes nurturing and teaching kids.  So much love and sacrifice is poured out within the walls of a classroom each day, ensuring every child feels special, valued, and known!  Knowing this, I do my best to make sure the people who {Read More}

Superbowl Party: 10 Simple & Tasty Recipes

So, Superbowl is in a few days, and although my team hasn’t been in it since the 80’s (yes, we’re terrible), I still enjoy the festivities that circle around this event. It’s a fun time to spend with friends and family, while enjoying some delicious food! Whether you’re hosting or attending a party, it’s important to find a dish that is simple yet tasty!  Being a mom with young kids, time is of the essence, so I look for something {Read More}

Valentines Day Stickers – Nothing BUNDT love!

There are many ways we can show others how much we love and appreciate them!  It shouldn’t take a holiday to do so, but when Valentine’s Day DOES roll around, it’s fun to give something with a cute, creative touch…..without breaking the bank in the process! I don’t  know about you all, but if you’ve never tried these cupcake like desserts, well…you’re missing out!  We have a store in our town called Nothing Bundt Cakes that sell these in a variety of {Read More}

All about Fall Y’all!

My favorite time of year to decorate is September through December!  Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are the best holidays.  The weather this time of year changes rapidly, almost skipping Fall entirely (my favorite season, go figure) and quickly fast forwards to a cold and dark winter (Blah!).   Because of the drops in temperature and dreary weather, you find yourself spending a lot more time indoors. This makes it even more important for the space I’m surrounded by to feel comfy, cozy, and happy. Even though I {Read More}

A New Year: my PLACE in life!

Yes, a new year has arrived, which brings about resolutions and goal setting.  Everyone wants to improve areas of their life to be happier and healthier.  Last year, I chose a word that inspired and motivated me, START.  My main objective was to stop fearing the unknown and no longer allow my perfectionism to get in the way of moving forward to follow my passions. For 2017, I’ve chosen the word PLACE, using it as an acronym, to help outline the areas of life {Read More}