Create with Color Giveaway!

With the quarantine in place, being stuck at home hasn’t been the easiest to manage for many people, myself included. For an extrovert like me, you begin to go stir crazy. One thing that has helped both me and my kids get through our first month of isolation has been ART! From coloring books (both kid and adult) to painting projects to sidewalk chalk (my husband jokes that I enjoy it more than our kids) to play dough, it’s been {Read More}

Learning & Fun with Geoboards!

Spring break is officially over, so back to homeschooling we go! Did you know that learning AND fun can actually coincide?! I know, a novel concept, right? In all seriousness, teaching kids from home can, at times, feel like an arduous, daunting and frustrating task. Once the whining/pouting/complaining starts, it makes me feel like giving up! As parents and teachers, we want to provide activities that serve a purpose, while also giving kids a chance to learn in new and {Read More}

DIY Dot Paint Banners!

The other day, my boys and I wanted to make a banner to hang outside for all the people who might pass by in the neighborhood, whether it be a postal worker, delivery person, or someone walking their dog! We decided to grab some art supplies and get to work! This quick and easy activity was a fun way to send a positive message to our community during this stressful time!! We grabbed our dot paint markers, printed out some {Read More}

Favorite Arts & Craft items for Kids

Art truly is a form of therapy, especially for kids! When I was a volunteer at the children’s hospital in Chicago on the hematology/oncology floor, art was one of the favored activities, always something that was able to put a smile on the boys and girls faces! So many activities could be done in both the play center or brought to a bedside in each room. No matter how sick, art was something each patient could engage in at some {Read More}

Elmer the Elephant – Mosaic Art

Although we’ve seen glimpses of Spring here in Chicago, it did actually snow here a couple days ago. So, we decided to pull out our Elmer in the Snow book and add some color to our day! I’m not sure if you’ve read any of the Elmer series books, but we love that it sends the message that different is GOOD and beautiful, teaching children not to try and be like anyone but themselves. Just be you! I created an {Read More}

Kids Oil Pastel Art Activity

Art and music are both one of my favorite avenues for creativity….and to destress! What better way to interact with your kids than doing an art or craft activity. A couple weeks ago, my son’s school had family art night and it was awesome, filled with a variety of stations, all containing different forms & methods of art. This activity was a favorite of ours and super easy for all three of my kids to do (6, 4, and 2 {Read More}