Watch It Wednesday: A Mom’s Impact

My son just turned 7 months.  He’s on the verge of crawling and will most likely be taking off within the next month or two. He’s been practicing for quite some time now, but just can’t quite get the hang of it.  With every valiant attempt, there is a face plant to some degree.  My whole body cringes when he gets close to the hardwood floors….because he doesn’t have the best balance as of yet.  But, before you know it….he’ll take {Read More}

Motivation Monday: His name is Mr. C

There is a guy I know and he is not the nicest of fellas.  In fact, he is a criminal…a crook, I tell ya.   He robs people….robs them of simple joys.  He is known for stealing your happiness.  He makes life a whole lot more complicated and creates insecurity in me and many others. This is not someone I like being friends with.  His name is Comparison.  I realized one day that I must (at least try to) let him {Read More}

My Pregnancy Journey: Month by Month

My life over the last 39 weeks involved just about every emotion….the whole gamut, from extreme joy to worry and stress.  To feel a human being kicking inside of you and hiccups vibrating and pulsating from within your stomach can be quite fascinating!  Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes and taking shots of insulin 3x a day can be daunting and overwhelming.  Pregnancy is an amazing process, where you are changed forever….for the better. Regardless of any trial you experience (fatigue, {Read More}

Letter # 2 – Revealing the news…

So, this letter is long overdue….as I am soon approaching 7 months of pregnancy.  I’ve kept a journal of my experiences and had the best of intentions on posting here more frequently, but the holiday season just overtook and got the best of me!  But, I promised myself that I would write as much or often as I could to remember my journey leading up to motherhood. I wanted the memories to be etched in my brain forever.    Letter # {Read More}

Letter #1 – I’m Thankful For….

Thankful: (thangk-ful) feeling, showing, or expressing gratitude It is so hard to encompass the feelings I have at this time in my life….. I could start with undeserving, humbled, inspired, blessed, fortunate, contented, appreciative, grateful……overall, just plain lucky! I am overtaken with a wide range of emotions as I am about to embark on a monumental journey that will impact me in ways I can’t quite grasp or fathom.  To be honest, I feel a bit inadequate and unqualified for this critical {Read More}