Life with Kids: 10 realizations you have as a parent!

Soooo, before I became a parent, I had these hypothetical thoughts in my head of how life would play out once I had kids of my own.  I mean, it wouldn’t be all that hard. My children would be these stellar little creatures and I would be the fun, easy going, patient-all-the-time mom.  Yup, that’s right….parenthood would be this grand, daring adventure! Well, I guess you could say it’s a daring adventure. But, in a different kind of way.  You see, {Read More}

A Time Saving Tip to Lessen the Load

Calling all laundry lovers!  Okay, you can all go ahead and put your hands down. Actually, who are we kidding?! Let’s be honest…the words laundry and love do not belong in the same sentence.  Not sure I have ever met anyone who actually ENJOYS doing this household chore. I mean, if for some odd reason, you do, well….you’re an anomaly. The process of washing, drying, folding, and putting clothes away is just fart too lengthy of a process.  Some days, I have to run the washing machine a 2nd {Read More}

Lessons Learned in 2016 (PART 1)

2016 certainly had its memorable moments, both good and bad.  With each passing year, I try to sit back  and reflect on the lessons that life is teaching me. Here are the first few that stuck out: PROGRESS happens in PHASES Growth is a gradual process. I tend to be a person who seeks immediate results (please tell me I’m not the only one?!). But, progress isn’t always a one and done thing. It takes time and patience. These are a few things that I’ve learned {Read More}

I Was Busy…

Striking balance.  No matter what season of life you’re in, we all face this struggle.  I often feel as though I’m a circus clown trying to juggle multiple balls at a time, but fail miserably at keeping them all in the air. We strive to keep it together and make it look like we know what we’re doing.  Society tells us to add more to our plates and stay busy.  Our bodies tell us otherwise.  I’m a natural “on the go” person.  I {Read More}

5 White Lies I Tell My Child

Yes, I admit it.  I tell little while lies.  I swore I would never be the parent who lied to their child.  I told myself pre-kid days, “You should always be upfront and honest with them”.  Wellllll, that was wishful thinking.  Because….sometimes, you will do anything to keep an ounce of your sanity. The incessant whining.  The tantrums.  The non-stop questions.  There are days when my patience goes out the door and I just can’t seem to keep my cool.  Instead of pulling out my hair or shouting from the rooftops, I {Read More}

A Note Card

I have two young boys. The question that lingers most often in my head is… “What type of impact will I have on them?”. Just recently, I read an article called Words of Wisdom on The author, Autumn Ward, shares a story about an experience she had while attending her son’s college orientation.  She was given a single note card and asked to write a few words of wisdom to her child. This could have gone one of two ways: A.) She {Read More}