With the start of a new year, you will typically find most media outlets inundated with “resolution talk”. What goals have you set out to accomplish? How are you going to create a better you? You want to become healthier, more spontaneous and adventurous, and let go of things that weigh you down or hold you back. So, most people start to create lists upon lists of things they HOPE to do within a year’s worth of time. You want {Read More}
Think Tank Thursday – Going Full Speed
TIME. It’s a valuable commodity. Sometimes.. It’s something we wish we could get back. It’s something we wish we could freeze. It’s something we wish we could have more of. Being a new mom, my days often seem to run together. No matter how well I prioritize, my to-do list feels as if it multiplies. Cross off one item and add two more. That’s typically how the cycle goes. How many instances have we heard ourselves say, “If only {Read More}
Watch It Wednesday: Things You Should Say
SO….WHAT IS ONE THING YOU THINK WE SHOULD SAY MORE OFTEN?? I think this list is pretty good for starters! A touch of humor, and a bit of honesty. If only we said these more often!
Top of the List Tuesday: Children’s books
Being a teacher for eight years, Read Aloud quickly became my favorite time of the school day! The excitement, wonder, and curiosity on kids’ faces made the experience so enjoyable. Over time, I’ve fallen in love with a plethora of books for a variety of reasons. Now that I have a child of my own, I’m constantly looking for new selections that will bring about the same feelings of delight that I witnessed with my students. As I often peruse {Read More}
Motivation Monday: His name is Mr. C
There is a guy I know and he is not the nicest of fellas. In fact, he is a criminal…a crook, I tell ya. He robs people….robs them of simple joys. He is known for stealing your happiness. He makes life a whole lot more complicated and creates insecurity in me and many others. This is not someone I like being friends with. His name is Comparison. I realized one day that I must (at least try to) let him {Read More}