DIY Dot Paint Banners!

The other day, my boys and I wanted to make a banner to hang outside for all the people who might pass by in the neighborhood, whether it be a postal worker, delivery person, or someone walking their dog! We decided to grab some art supplies and get to work!

This quick and easy activity was a fun way to send a positive message to our community during this stressful time!! We grabbed our dot paint markers, printed out some letters, and had fun!

We chose to use our awesome Do-A-Dot Art markers for this project because we didn’t have much time to spare and these require minimal prep or cleanup!

To begin, we wanted to choose a phrase that would lift the spirits of anyone who might walk/drive past our house. KEEP SMILING seemed fitting! This phrase managed to space out perfectly in the mini windows of our garage. But it would require many letters to complete. So, my boys decided to work together as a team dabbing away and coloring in each letter!

After this one was finished, they wanted to keep going! My boys asked to spell out and create their names using color patterns of their choice.

My oldest wanted to create holiday patterns….4th of July, St. Patrick’s Day, Rainbow, etc. Once the names were complete, we hung them up on a banister in our house for the week, and then into their bedrooms! You can put banners in play rooms, daycares, classrooms, hopsital rooms, libraries, nursing homes, police stations….anywhere!

And you bet I joined in as well! I decided to make a MOM mini banner to hang alongside both of my boys’ names! Now, it’s dads turn…

Another great way to get your kids involved with decorating for birthdays, holidays, graduations, or special events is to create a banner to hang on your mantel. Since so many stores are currently closed, this DIY method is the perfect solution to your decorating struggles!

I can’t think of a better way to liven up your space with Easter on the way! Just think of a simple phrase, such as HAPPY EASTER or HE IS RISEN! Then, download your letters, print them out, and add some COLOR!!


(Note: File won’t download on mobile device. Be sure to use a laptop/computer)

I sure hope you and your kiddos have a blast making banners!

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