ARGENTINA! That’s right, folks, I am BACK (well, yes, from Argentina AND to the blog) and ready to bring you into my world again 🙂 Whew….life really doesn’t stop for anyone… matter how many times you may let go of the handlebars… just keeps GOING! There are so many times I have meant to come on here and post, and then, well…..something else seemed to take precedence. It was in March (yes that long ago) that I took a trip to the amazing country of Argentina to visit my brotha and girlfriend. Sorry, had to throw in the brotha….just felt it at the moment. Anyways…had an unreal experience and wish you could have joined me on this adventure! This place was full of warm people, delectable food (understatement), and amazing architecture. Per usual, I took a gazillion (always wondered if this word is actually in a dictionary or if the third grade teacher in me tries to pretend it is) of pictures and probably annoyed my bro one too many times. Kyle wasn’t able to join me on this journey, which I sure wish he could have! But, don’t you worry, in typical fashion, I filled him in on the NUMEROUS details on the ride home from the airport…..probably one too many for his liking! Like I said before, I took TONS of pictures and they won’t all get posted in one sitting. For one, I need to get my run in fast right now to try and dodge the impending storms……weatherman is calling for hail…..BIG HAIL! Yikes. So, in the meantime, enjoy these snippets of my trip and I will post more soon! Hope you are enjoying this wonderful summer afternoon. That’s right, it’s summer for me……school is out and I am thoroughly enjoying my free time! Carpe Diem…..until next time!
And this is just the VERY BEGINNING of my trip. Yep, I know what you’re probably thinking. Something along the lines of, “Wow…Mel, what else could there possibly be to show me. This isn’t as good as it gets?” Nope…..definitely not. There is more…much, much more 🙂