Friends & Family Friday: I’m Dreamin….

of warmer weather
and sunshine,
and flip flops,
and boat rides,
and palm trees,
and…..anything but SNOW!!  

I mean, seriously, this winter nonsense is getting OUT. OF. HAND.

As I drive past the monstrous snowbanks in my subdivision, it makes me feel like I’m taking a trip through the rocky mountains.

At least that’s what I pretend.   

The icicles hanging from the rooftop……well, that’s another story in itself.  
Let’s just say I’m slightly afraid to walk outside….and the thought of sporting a bike helmet has crossed my mind.  

Ok, I’m only half way kidding. 
You would too when they look like giant daggers about to come crashing down to earth….sharp, pointy, razor like.  Not cool.

Or….do I even need to mention the sub zero temperatures we have had the entire month of January….now leading into February.
Wednesday says it perfectly…..ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

We Chicagoans have to endure this dreadful winter for another six weeks, thanks to Mr. Groundhog. So, to help me get through yet another snow storm this weekend, I’ll just reminisce about our recent trip to Naples, Florida. These pics help me get through the severe cabin fever I’m currently experiencing.

Ethan’s snazzy airport attire….ready for his very first flight!!
Future little surf champ. This kid wanted to hit the waves!
Can you tell someone enjoyed the sunshine?!  He’s ready for his first board.
Our little sailor was ready to go for a ride on Poppy’s boat.  

We didn’t make it to the beach this time around….
but we will be back in June for some fun in the sand!

Sportin his dress shirt and slacks for dinner at the club.  
Took a dip in the swimming pool. He LOVES the water!
Floppy hat – check.  
Flip flops – check.  
Swimsuit – check.

Mom was excited to go for a quick fishing adventure in the Gulf.
Unfortunately, she didn’t catch a thing.  Maybe next time…

 Enjoyed nights out to dinner….good food and good company!

He was thrilled that it was 70 degrees outside……breakfast on the balcony!!
My handsome guy officially started crawling on this trip!  He’s ready to explore…
After a fabulous week with our family in the beautiful weather,
unfortunately it was time to head home….in style, of course. 
AND….he is FAR too happy to be going home.  
He had NO IDEA what he was in store for….
At the airport….headed back home.  
He is smiling….and mom is weeping.  
Truth be told. 
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