Good vs. Evil

Sooooo, lately, I’ve been battling a bad case of the, “This or Thats”.   Because I’m naturally indecisive and analytical, it takes me quite a bit of time to make a choice.  Now, this is for everything….big, important, life altering choices, and also the small, insignificant and trivial choices.  If there just weren’t so many CHOICES.  Let’s take wedding planning for instance.  Okay, please tell me why ANYONE needs 15 different kinds of spatulas to choose from at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  Do they realize how crazy that is…..and of course, I can never just walk up to that wall full of gadgets and pick one out in a reasonable timeframe.  Nope, what does Mel do?  I sit there staring, contemplating, questioning in my head, thinking about meaningless details like….what it’s made of and the shape and color of it.   HELLO….it’s a SPATULA!  Moving on…..lets go to the invitations.  Recently, I went to a tiny invitation shop in the area containing over 30 catalogs with a plethora of invitations neatly tucked inside.  Yep, you guessed it.  I was immediately overwhelmed….why so many choices?  Why can’t things be more simple?  It has become so excessive and then I can never decide.  I probably could have picked one that I liked within 5 minutes…..that is, until you flip the page and find one in a different color with a new bow.  Wow, how it changed SO much! (Sense the sarcasm, folks).  But, that’s what we do to ourselves.  We focus on unimportant details.  If you REALLY think about it all……it’s just paper!  PAPER!   But for some odd and very peculiar reason, I bring myself to the point of stress many times like this.  Why?  What is the point?   These are just two very recent situations……trust me, there have been many many more.

This past week, I’ve been quite busy and as my schedule becomes more chaotic, I’m forced to make decisions quicker.  This week, for example, I’ve thought about many things that most people would never think about.  When I get home from work, two thoughts immediately go through my head, “What should I do first?”   NOW, I know what I probably SHOULD do, which is go catch up on some great reads and pick up the stack of unread books on my shelf.  BUT, that would take too much effort and time.  I’m tired, exhausted, and drained of all energy.  I don’t want to think.  I want to relax.  So, what do I revert to?  Yep, what most people do…..the television.   And here is where the battle between good vs. evil begins.

I know that that the “good” choice to make is reading the excellent array of books that are piled high in my room.  They are useful and help you learn.  They are practically begging me to open them up.  Then, that sneaky little devil man appears on my shoulder and creeps near my ear to say, “You can read tomorrow or over the weekend…..just watch T.V.  You should rest.”    As much as I agree that I need to relax, I think turning on the T.V. is the EASY choice.  It’s too easy to do that.  Am I really challenging my way of thinking and ideals this way?  Not so much.  I literally need to force myself to make the better choice.  Most of the time, the best choices are hardest to make, which makes me think of another standard choice I think about making on a day to day basis.
Hmm…….that cookie, piece of cheese, and bag of chips look pretty tasty right about now.  Now, my gym membership has been pretty lonely lately and would really like some company.  Once again, the battle of good vs. evil takes over.    The justification soon begins and I will rationalize why I can do BOTH.  Yeah, that’s right, I will eat this delectable junk food FIRST and then go workout and get some well needed exercise.  Um, yeah, probably not the best of plans to go with each day.  So, what do I resort to?  You guessed it……

Havarti cheese, an absolute must have, and sweet treats like cupcakes.  Sigh……I have no self will power, it’s terrible!  So, rather than going to workout, I choose this.  Evil prevails again.  But, I won’t allow it to happen. Now, it is very difficult to completely change habits and frame of thinking.  But, it is not impossible.  So I’ve made it my mission!  I will begin to choose the better options and more healthy decisions that will affect my life in a positive way.  I will begin to unravel the mysteries of the books that are currently collecting dust, and resist the urge to eat that insanely scrumptious Havarti cheese.  Rather than these temptations and guilty pleasures, I will need to focus on making better choices and doing so in a reasonable timeframe.  Next item on the agenda…….use the jump rope, ab roller, and yoga mat that are sitting so peacefully on the floor of a room in my basement.  They are anxiously awaiting someone to come visit and use them.  So, their wish has been granted. I will honor their request….
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