It all starts with a step…

Start Blog Pic (Final)

START.  This is my chosen word for 2016.

It’s something I’ve struggled with for quite some time. Being the perfectionist that I am, I often become very hesitant to get started on something.  The given task always seem so monumental in my head. I’m a planner. I like to have my ducks in a row and be prepared for what may come.  The thing is, you can never fully prepare for what lies ahead.  You can’t avoid mistakes.  You certainly can’t predict every outcome.  If you never start, you’ll never grow.  You simply remain stagnant.  To some, starting over or starting something new is easy and requires minimal effort.  With me, starting means I might fail, and with that, comes vulnerability.

I made a promise to myself this year that I would go out on a limb and START, even if I don’t have it all figured out.  For so long, I’ve dreamed about goals I wish to accomplish and hoped they would eventually happen. But, as my pastor said this past week in his message, we need to stop wishing and START working.

This blog always has been and always will be a work in progress.  That’s how life works.  You learn along the way, make tweaks here and there, and constantly evolve and change. In order to get started on/or with something, whether it’s a goal you are trying to achieve or a habit you want to kick, these 5 things are important to remember:


First things first.  It all begins with taking the first step. When you start something, you won’t go from zero to one hundred all at once.  Remember, it’s all a process and the only way to get from point A to B….and B to C…is by taking steps, one at a time.  You may begin at a very slow pace, treading carefully. Sometimes you’ll take steps backward.  That’s okay.  It’s good to evaluate a situation and reassess. Soon enough, you will equip yourself with more knowledge and know-how, where “starting” won’t feel as scary as it once did.


Whether we like it or not, starting will involve trials.  It’s the nature of the game.  Mistakes will be made and challenges will present themselves. It’s a guarantee. Successful people aren’t those who never falter or have everything figured out ahead of time.  They are the people who fail, but find ways to get back on their feet and start over….again and again.


If we always had a clear and definitive path to follow, starting would be a whole heck of a lot easier and less stressful.  If only we could predict what will happen and dodge the problems that may arise. The thing is, starting something can be elusive and ambiguous in the beginning.  We may not know where we are headed or exactly how to get there.  You will need to make some u-turns along the way, back up, slow down, stop, or reroute.  You won’t always have a road map to guide you.  Many times, you learn as you go.  The thing is, you’ve just gotta keep moving.


The words START and SAFE do not coexist.  Playing it safe doesn’t work in the end. Starting will always require you to take some risks.  Starting a new business, starting a family, starting to get in shape, starting to tackle that project you’ve put on the back burner, starting to accomplish a long awaited dream…..all of these things will force you to step out of your comfort zone and do something you’re not accustomed to or familiar with. As the old adage goes, no risk….no reward.


If you remember the four things above, then it is likely that transformation will follow.

First, you take a step.  Next, you face a few bumps in the road.  Then, uncertainty will dissolve and ambiguity will slowly dissipate. Risks will need to be taken, sometimes big…and sometimes small. Ultimately, transformation is bound to happen.  You will change for the better. You will break unwanted habits.  You will be closer to the things you set out to achieve.  You will live a more purposeful and meaningful life.

And to think, it all starts with a single step…

MM Signature FINAL

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  1. Really liked the post