It doesn’t take much….

to make me happy 🙂  That’s right…..this little lady has two weeks off of work! Sorry, don’t mean to rub it in, but it feels good.  Okay, that was a slight understatement… feels UH-MAY-ZING!  It all started when my job got me into an extreme choke hold and wouldn’t let go.  I gave it a few jabs in the gut, but it was relentless and I didn’t come out with the victory.  It pretty much chewed me up and spit me back out.  Needless to say, this break is very much appreciated and won’t be taken for granted, I can promise you that! As you can see, it has been quite a few months since I’ve last posted, and with that, there are many pics I’ve neglected to share with you all.  Holidays have passed and continue to whiz by, seasons have changed, and life continues to go on….never skipping a beat.  Winter will officially arrive in three days and you wouldn’t have the slightest idea, which is extremely odd this time of year in Chicago.  Felt like a day in April today, if you asked me.  Christmas is in one week and we have yet to get any snow on the ground (that stays at least). This girl wants to go sledding, learn to snowboard (give it another try after my first few VERY FRUSTRATING attempts), sit by the fireplace with my hot cocoa as I watch some of my all-time favorite holiday movies (i.e. Christmas Vacation, Elf, The Holiday, etc.).   So, I will patiently await its arrival…….and, in the meantime, try to update you on my manic life from the past few months! I’m starting from this weekend and working backwards…….

Olivia, my niece, just turned two today!  We celebrated with her down in the STL this weekend!! Don’t you just want to eat her right up?!?  She is getting so big and cuter by the minute!

The birthday girl couldn’t have looked more adorable in her red, sparkling tulle skirt that her mom made 🙂 It was for her Minnie Mouse party…..with a beautiful cake and delicious cookies!

Then it was time to open presents and eat some cake!  

Enjoyed this perfect weekend in good company!  My husband and Tyler
Kyle and his sister (Olivia’s mom!)
Until next time….CARPE DIEM!!
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