Kids Oil Pastel Art Activity

Art and music are both one of my favorite avenues for creativity….and to destress! What better way to interact with your kids than doing an art or craft activity. A couple weeks ago, my son’s school had family art night and it was awesome, filled with a variety of stations, all containing different forms & methods of art. This activity was a favorite of ours and super easy for all three of my kids to do (6, 4, and 2 years old!).

The concentric circles artwork by Wassily Kandinsky inspired the project! It truly is a piece that any age can create…even adults! What a fun and simple way to create art. Bonus? It only requires TWO supplies, Crayola’s multi-colored construction paper and the 50 piece Pentel Oil Pastel Set.

Simply take a piece of black construction paper and cut it into fourths. A helpful tip is to tape the mini rectangle onto a table or hard surface so it does not move while coloring!

One suggestion to begin is starting with a small circle in the center and just continue to build around it to the edges of the paper! Each square they created was unique and different from the others.

Even my 2 year old daughter was able to get involved. She may not have been able to draw circles, but she was happy with her masterpiece!

In all, I had the boys complete 9 individual squares to create the final piece! I taped them all together from the back and placed it onto a white piece of pasteboard, with hopes of framing it soon to hang!

I think it resembles the original fairly well, don’t you think?! Not too shabby, in my opinion. My boys, 6 and 4, had a blast using oil pastels for the first time and can’t wait for our next project!

A pic of one of my proud artists with a smile on his face!

I sure hope this inspired you to start creating some art soon! Have fun!

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