Thankful: (thangk-ful) feeling, showing, or expressing gratitude
It is so hard to encompass the feelings I have at this time in my life….. I could start with undeserving, humbled, inspired, blessed, fortunate, contented, appreciative, grateful……overall, just plain lucky! I am overtaken with a wide range of emotions as I am about to embark on a monumental journey that will impact me in ways I can’t quite grasp or fathom. To be honest, I feel a bit inadequate and unqualified for this critical role I will soon take on, but ultimately,
I am incredibly happy and ecstatic that in early June……
I am going to be a MOM!!!
I know the abundance of love in my heart is bound to overtake hesitations, doubts, worries, and fears that will inevitably surface throughout the years of parenthood.
Over time, I will want to share my experiences, insights, and perspective with our child. But, I’m not sure I will remember to do so when the moment arrives or when it really matters.
So, if I could write a letter to our child telling him/her about my hopes, dreams, and wishes, this is what I would say:
Over time, I will want to share my experiences, insights, and perspective with our child. But, I’m not sure I will remember to do so when the moment arrives or when it really matters.
So, if I could write a letter to our child telling him/her about my hopes, dreams, and wishes, this is what I would say:
that I would go to the ends of the earth and back to make you feel secure, confident, worthy, and capable.
that you always have me to lean on….to give advice, to calm fears, and to keep an open mind.
that you can’t compare your life with others, and to always be grateful with what you’ve been given instead of wanting what
other people have. There will be many who are content with less than what you have.
other people have. There will be many who are content with less than what you have.
the importance of loyalty, keeping your word, telling the truth, admitting your faults, ridding yourself of pride, sticking up for your friends, putting others before yourself, and having faith/trust in God.
the importance of certain gifts….the gift of time….the gift of love….the gift of a compliment. I want you to know that gifts we give to others bring much more happiness than gifts that we receive.
that a “thank you” and a smile can go a long way, to put yourself in someone else’s shoes before you attempt to judge, and that fair doesn’t always mean equal.
through the course of your life, there will be times when I make mistakes, let you down, disappoint you, tell you things you don’t want to hear, and won’t have all of the answers. We will not always see eye to eye, have the same opinions or viewpoints, but no matter what, you need to know that I come from a good place, with the best intentions, and that I want the absolute best for you.
I want you to love learning and always inquire about the world around you. I want you to ask questions and seek answers. I want you to travel to new places as often as you can, immerse yourself in other cultures, try new food, foster relationships with people, and witness the beauty in all of those places!
I want you to work hard and try your best, but realize it’s impossible to be the best at everything. I want you to achieve your goals and succeed, but not at the expense of your integrity. Your attitude and character are far more important than your achievements. I want you to be a good sport in all aspects of life, by winning with class and losing with dignity.
through the course of your life, there will be times when I make mistakes, let you down, disappoint you, tell you things you don’t want to hear, and won’t have all of the answers. We will not always see eye to eye, have the same opinions or viewpoints, but no matter what, you need to know that I come from a good place, with the best intentions, and that I want the absolute best for you.
I want you to love learning and always inquire about the world around you. I want you to ask questions and seek answers. I want you to travel to new places as often as you can, immerse yourself in other cultures, try new food, foster relationships with people, and witness the beauty in all of those places!
I want you to work hard and try your best, but realize it’s impossible to be the best at everything. I want you to achieve your goals and succeed, but not at the expense of your integrity. Your attitude and character are far more important than your achievements. I want you to be a good sport in all aspects of life, by winning with class and losing with dignity.
I want to encourage and nurture your soul, but allow you to find your independence and make your mark on the world! I want you to realize that we can’t rely on others to find happiness.
I want you to chase your dreams, take chances, color outside the lines, be bold and brave, live with your heart on your sleeve, and step out of your comfort zone.
I want you to be fierce and tenacious, yet thoughtful and kind. I want you to be determined and strong-willed, yet polite and gracious. I want you to be assertive and curious, yet patient and observant.
I want you to indulge in hobbies. I want you to sing…whether you have a great voice or not….whether you know all the words or just make them up. You can create random rap songs if you desire. Just sing….when no one is watching or even if someone is! I want you to act, dance, paint, play an instrument or even a sport, whatever it is you choose. Never let what others think of you get in the way of doing things that bring you joy. If it’s something that makes you happy, then do it….don’t let embarrassment or criticism keep you from expressing yourself.
I want you to never be ashamed of who you are. I want you to recognize your strengths and understand that your imperfections make you human. I want you to find beauty in the unexpected, to be able to laugh at yourself, and pick out the good in everyone.
I want to prepare you for your future, and equip you with everything you need to be self sufficient and responsible. I want you to choose your own path…..allowing you to stumble, while learning along the way, how to pick yourself back up. I want you to know I won’t be able to fix every problem or take away all of your pain/heartache, but I will try with every ounce in my body to help you endure the hard times, while recognizing & celebrating the good times!
I want you to embody an altruistic spirit. I hope you strive to become a humanitarian and seek ways to help those in need. I hope you fight for a worthy cause and offer your time, energy, and skills voluntarily, always giving your full heart without expecting anything in return. Remember to be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
I want you to indulge in hobbies. I want you to sing…whether you have a great voice or not….whether you know all the words or just make them up. You can create random rap songs if you desire. Just sing….when no one is watching or even if someone is! I want you to act, dance, paint, play an instrument or even a sport, whatever it is you choose. Never let what others think of you get in the way of doing things that bring you joy. If it’s something that makes you happy, then do it….don’t let embarrassment or criticism keep you from expressing yourself.
I want you to never be ashamed of who you are. I want you to recognize your strengths and understand that your imperfections make you human. I want you to find beauty in the unexpected, to be able to laugh at yourself, and pick out the good in everyone.
I want to prepare you for your future, and equip you with everything you need to be self sufficient and responsible. I want you to choose your own path…..allowing you to stumble, while learning along the way, how to pick yourself back up. I want you to know I won’t be able to fix every problem or take away all of your pain/heartache, but I will try with every ounce in my body to help you endure the hard times, while recognizing & celebrating the good times!
I want you to embody an altruistic spirit. I hope you strive to become a humanitarian and seek ways to help those in need. I hope you fight for a worthy cause and offer your time, energy, and skills voluntarily, always giving your full heart without expecting anything in return. Remember to be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
I know you will make a profound impact on me and the rest of the world! I know you will influence and teach me
things about life I could never learn or realize on my own.
embrace differences,
show kindness,
offer forgiveness,
accept failures,
pursue passions,
seek knowledge,
thrive on adventure,
live in the moment,
use your imagination,
celebrate individuality,
cherish family,
express gratitude,
laugh wholeheartedly,
love unconditionally,
be creative,
take risks,
choose the high road,
set a positive example,
learn from mistakes,
live without regret, AND
not take the little things for granted.
These are my wants. These are my hopes. These are my wishes.
But, they are merely that. I can pray that you learn
these life lessons, but there is only one thing I truly desire…..
My years ahead as a parent will undoubtedly be…
challenging, yet INSPIRING.
humbling, yet FULFILLING.
overwhelming, yet REWARDING.
unpredictable, yet EXCITING.
I will encourage them, protect them, motivate them, support them, advocate for them, and always believe in their abilities!
I will wake up every day of my life from this day forward and tell them they are beautiful, unique, one of a kind, the most loved person on this planet, and….
Not a single day will go by where I won’t be
thankful for this blessing I have been given.
This is just the very beginning
to the rest of my life…
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