Little Rays of Sunshine

These little babes always manage to brighten up my day… matter what kind of mood I’m in!   Kids are invigorating.  I never can seem to get enough of them, especially these four adorable ones.  It is quite difficult to explain what it is or pinpoint the exact part that captivates me, but they are simply fascinating.  Kids are so easily entertained and don’t require much to make them happy.  Recently, I’ve had the chance to visit with Olivia and Gianna. 

Every time I’m with either of these cuties, I realize how good babies have it.  Hah! Us adults have the tendency to make life so complicating.  We think and talk too much.  What if we couldn’t talk, how would we view the world? Babies just listen.  If they have something they want to express, they just let it all out…..gibberish and all!  I often wonder what it is that babies are trying to say when they do their babbling.  Their facial expressions tell it all!  And, as they grow up a bit to Dylan and Alexa’s age, theyare curious about everything and can become brutally honest with you.  Even if it stings a bit, you appreciate and cherish those harsh words that may come out of their little mouths. Kids are real and authentic…..not trying to impress anyone.  Half the time, they are oblivious to what’s going on around them or they just aren’t looking for approval as adults frequently do.  They don’t pose for cameras, in hopes that their hair looks good or jeans fit right.  Nope, they aren’t concerned with the minutia that most adults are.  We have a harder time just “going with the flow” and letting things happen as they come.  Babies…, not so much.  They don’t have the worry that gets in the way.  They can just sit there and look around.  It always amazes me.  Babies have this belly laugh type of cackling that is contagious.  Their  wide-eyed stares and ear to ear grins suck you in and melt your heart.  Yep, I’m a sucker…..a complete sucker for kids.  I may be biased because I’m an aunt, a teacher, and go to a children’s hospital every week.  So, yes, I’m always surrounded by kids.  But, I think the aspect that intrigues me the most is how simple they make things and how complex adults make life.   Kids have taught me that life is too important and short to be taken seriously (Oscar Wilde coined that one… guy, eh?!).    These kiddos in the pics below make me realize just how precious and valuable each day is.  Dylan, my nephew, loves to take on new challenges and isn’t greatly affected yet by the judgments of other people.  If he wants to act silly and do something that makes him laugh or smile, he does it without hesitation. 

Just the other night, we were celebrating Alexa’s 6th birthday (yes, she’s already 6….time FLIES) and we engage in a hoola hooping contest.  Yes, the competition is always present in the Sweeney households.  So, anyways, he challenges me to a hoola hoop contest.   He meant business from the moment he started swinging those hips.  First attempt = 39 rotations.  Aunt Melly’s turn was next.  And how do you think I did?  Yep, that’s right……56 rotations!   Well, lets just say that Dylan wasn’t satisfied and needed to try again. That is until my brother, mom, and aunt all felt the need to attempt this task as well.  As you can imagine, it wasn’t an easy feat.  All three of them looked like a wobbling penguin.  Mission failed.  So, we go back to Dyl and Aunt Melly.  Final result…..Dylan takes the prize with 103 rotations.  See, now that’s just it.   It’s the tenacity, persistance, ability to have fun no matter where you are, and “have the wind at your back” type attitude that kids carry.  It’s what makes life so fun and carefree.  Then, it gets even better.  Alexa begins to open up her presents.  And yes, you would think that the toys and games were her favorite gifts.  NOPE…..oh no, not my sweet and sassy Alexa.  The present that brought out the most excitement was ………none other than…….the TOUCH AND BRUSH – a touchfree toothpaste dispenser.   I’m telling ya……without kids, life would be so boring and colorless.   Kids add the color to life.  They certainly are little rays of sunshine!

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