Motivation Monday – Letter #4: No Strings Attached

Welcome back to the LOVE LETTER series!

I’m so glad you are here to check out “mom message” #4….


Also known as NSA.

I’m not referring to the mainstream definition….in terms of relationships.
Nope, I’m hoping to give a slightly different meaning to this term,
a more positive one.  Just read on and you’ll understand.

My Little Love,
You are too young to understand now, but soon you will grow up and there will be many things to learn and acquire in order to be the gentleman I hope you to be.  
The phrase, No Strings Attached, most often carries a negative connotation, more commonly with men.  Typically, when you hear these three words, they are usually not received well.  You will see that people lose respect for those who exude the “NSA” mentality.  In our society today, there isn’t a lot of good associated with this way of thinking.   But, I believe it can be changed….for the better. I strive to carry out the NSA attitude in a completely different way, specifically with my friendships. My  hope is that you will live your life with this type of attitude.  But, before I explain, I want you to understand what this phrase means:

1. Showing no special conditions…  
2. Not requiring or holding expectations/  
3. Doing something without asking for anything in return…  

As your mom, I wish certain things for you.  Many that top my list do not involve money, popularity, or power.  Rather, I hope that you grow up to be happy.  I hope that you grow up and follow your dreams.  I hope that you grow up and find the love of your life.  But, most importantly, without a doubt, I hope you grow up to be humble, gracious, and someone who always treats others with kindness.

To be this kind of person, I challenge you to follow the 3 statements listed above.  You can do this through the following:

Become the type of friend to those around you that loves unconditionally.  It does not matter how often you see them or who makes more of the effort.  It will never be equal.  Don’t keep count…we all make mistakes.  Forgive others, even when they don’t seem to deserve it.  Accept people’s flaws.  Embrace their weaknesses and shortcomings.   Recognize the good in each person and focus on what they have to offer.  Appreciate the moments you do spend together, even if they are seldom. We will all go through different phases and stages in life.  You will learn you have different friends for different reasons.  This is perfectly okay and actually a good thing.  

Give freely without any expectation.  Give your time.  Give your energy.  Give your opinion.  Give a helping hand.   When you give, be sure to do it wholeheartedly, without feeling obligated.    Don’t anticipate a thank you.  Don’t yearn for recognition or reward.  Don’t seek praise or acknowledgment. The accolades are short lived.  It’s  important to be someone who strives to make people happy and gives to others without ever expecting anything in return.  Be selfless.  Be generous.  You
 SHOULD hold your friends accountable,  but you SHOULD NOT hold things against your friends when they don’t show up (literally or figuratively).  We all fall short.  We all disappoint.  We all fail to meet expectations.  

When it comes to love, I typically won’t give this type of advice….being inclusive instead of exclusive.  But, I believe with friendships, it is important to live inclusively.   I’m not implying that you become friends with anybody and everybody.  It’s okay to be selective, but at the same time, remember not to limit yourself.  Give people a chance. Stay open and avoid judgment.  When it comes to friends, do your best to always include others.  It can be a lonely world out there.  Some of us are more extroverted.  Some of us are better conversationalists.  Some of us just need to be understood.

Living your life with a No Strings Attached attitude should be admired rather than seen as a distasteful way of thinking.   It doesn’t have to be about a lack of commitment.  It shouldn’t be about coming and going as you please.  It can be honorable.  It can be something that changes the way people view relationships and how they treat one another.  It can create tolerance, acceptance, and a lot more love in this world.

My little love….I hope you grow up to be the man I know you can be… who is a true gentleman, one who gives a new and noteworthy meaning to

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