Don’t worry. I’m not going to get all mushy on you at the start of your week.
No…you did not read the post title incorrectly. It did, in fact, say “Love Letter”.
But, it isn’t quite what you think. The type of “love letter” I will be writing each week is meant for someone that I love, but not in the romantic kind of way. Rather, they are letters for my son. They are intended to leave tidbits of wisdom and special sentiments to let him know how much I love him.
Little life lessons is what we can call them.
Consider the letters to be messages of motivation….where I shed some light about matters of life. Some topics will be heavier than others, and some will share stories and personal experiences. When the time comes, I may not know exactly how to guide my son through certain scenarios in life. I may find it difficult to help him navigate tougher times. I may not remember to tell him the things I should when it really counts. I may look back twenty years from now and wish I had left a more memorable legacy….one he may choose to uphold and live by. So, my hope is that a little piece of each letter will help him throughout the rest of his life!
My Little Love,
“Never Give Up”. It is a phrase you will hear your dad and I say often throughout your life. I know, I know… it is much easier said than done. There will be many times in your life when something you attempt or face is challenging, and temptations will make you want to throw in the towel. It may feel like something is impossible to do or requires more strength than you feel you can muster. You try and try and try. Then, you fail…and that inevitable feeling will come. No matter how easy it seems to give up, don’t do it. There are so many important things we gain when we push on, especially when we think we aren’t capable of going any further.
From simpler times to more complex situations, you will face uncertainties and struggles through every stage of your life.
Let’s take today for example. It’s one of your mom’s favorite holidays. Yes, St. Patrick’s Day. We will have so much fun celebrating this yearly event with all things green. One of the most exciting things we will do is search for and strategize ways to catch that sneaky little leprechaun. Just a forewarning, he’s quick, tricky, and a tough one to capture. But, no matter how many times you have to attempt, NEVER GIVE UP. It may take a multitude of clever traps and require some crafty thinking, but I have full faith that you will devise a plan that eventually works and you will seize this wee man!
Okay, so maybe that was a somewhat silly example. So be it. How about activities you become passionate about? Whether it be sports you play, an instrument you take on, friendships made, projects created, a job you want, or anything you put your heart and soul into, there will undoubtedly be times when the going gets rough. You lose. You fall. Something or someone becomes increasingly difficult, tiring, or hard to understand. Something breaks. Someone cheats or is dishonest. The easy choice to make will sometimes feel like giving up. Don’t do it. You are stronger than that. Fear can grab a hold of us and suffocate our dreams. It can make us believe we aren’t good enough or something isn’t worth going the extra mile. One of your mom’s favorite athletes growing up was a very talented basketball player named Michael Jordan. He faced odds along his journey, but didn’t let obstacles get in the way of his dreams. He said it perfectly here:
He knew that obstacles were a part of life and never gave up. He always found a way! There will be times in your life when you try something for the first time and it doesn’t go as planned. You may think that you aren’t cut out for it or are scared to give it another go. The only way to know what you are capable of is to keep at it. Press on and keep pushing forward.
Don’t limit yourself, buddy. Sometimes, the adventures in life will require some protective gear and one giant leap of faith….
As your mom, I have been through times in my life when I chose to give up. When you do so, it leaves you with “what if’s” and maybe even feelings of regret. You won’t always be given second chances or opportunities. Take them when as they’re given. Looking back now, I would have rather tried with every ounce of myself and left it all on the table, then left with
a sense of wonder….
One important thing I want to note is giving up and giving in can be different things. Sometimes you realize that a fight isn’t worth fighting anymore or you should agree to disagree with someone. This doesn’t mean you gave up, but instead, you gave in. There will be moments when this is necessary and good.
Remember that your dad and I believe in you wholeheartedly. You don’t have to be the best at what you do. Just always give your best. You don’t have be a part of everything. Just follow through and finish what you started. You don’t have to impress us or anyone else.
Just be yourself and NEVER GIVE UP.
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