Motivation Monday: Love Letter #6 – The Present

My Little Love,
The word “Present” can carry different meanings.  When most kids hear this word, they typically think of something given as a gift.  Over the course of your life, you will receive many presents…for your birthday, special holidays, and sometimes just because.  A present can be something you receive….that specially wrapped package you excitedly tear open to unveil the treasure waiting within.  Or, it can be something you give to let someone know how much you care about them. But, there is another type of “present”….one I hope you learn to cherish and value more than physical gifts.  It is a “present” that often goes overlooked and under appreciated.  
It is called the PRESENT MOMENT…
the time we are given right now.  
Many of us know that we only get one today, but we don’t fully realize the significance of today.  There is no rewind button for the life you live.  The present moment is fleeting.  In an instant, it will have come and gone. Moments quickly become memories.

You see, the present moment is one of the best gifts you are afforded, as long as you are aware of it and embrace the heck out of it.  Growing up, you will find that a majority of people spend a lot of time thinking about the future….planning for what is to come.

Planning is necessary and good.  Planning prepares you for tomorrow.  You must follow your plan to live a long and happy life.

Or, so we tell ourselves.  Convince ourselves, actually.

But, you can’t always prepare yourself for what lies ahead. Life involves a lot of unexpected moments. You can’t plan and prepare for everything. Life can and will change without any warning.  Sometimes, you’re left wishing you had done things differently, said something you should have, did something you’ve been meaning to do, or taken more time to look around, stop what you’re doing, and just BE.  Be present….in the moment.

The thing I want you to know is tomorrow is never guaranteed. The more we think and dream about the future, the more we bypass all that is currently happening around us.  We dismiss the present for our sights of the future.

When it comes to your dreams, you may find yourself saying things like, “Maybe next time…” or “Someday…”.  Instead, take hold of opportunities and say, “Today is the day…” or “Why not?”

There never will be a perfect time.  Time doesn’t sit around and wait for you to muster up courage, save enough money, condense your schedule, redefine your priorities, or get all your ducks in a row.  There is no pause button.  Don’t put your dreams on hold and allow fear to take over.  Don’t ever wait for the “perfect moment”.  It won’t come.

Living in the present requires sacrifice…one where you give up the need to get everything done and then some.  In our society, productivity is highly esteemed.  We lead busy lives in pursuit of accomplishing as much as we possibly can in a day’s worth of time.  You go through the motions, follow routines, and cruise by on autopilot, barely noticing moments that pass by.

There are two words that are often overused in our society, but I believe hold a lot of weight.  CARPE DIEM, meaning “Seize the Day”.  Ultimately, it means to grab hold of seemingly small and meaningless moments and find the greatness in them.  Stop wishing for what you want and be grateful for what you have.  Simplify and get rid of all that weighs you down. Remember to take chances and be brave.  Savor the conversations you have.  Document everything, regardless of how trivial it may seem. Be vulnerable and share with others how you feel about them.  Don’t ever assume that they know. Focus on family, your faith, and taking in what each day has to offer…..

Or, as my coffee cups say…. 

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