My Pregnancy Journey: Month by Month

My life over the last 39 weeks involved just about every emotion….the whole gamut, from extreme joy to worry and stress.  To feel a human being kicking inside of you and hiccups vibrating and pulsating from within your stomach can be quite fascinating!  Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes and taking shots of insulin 3x a day can be daunting and overwhelming.  Pregnancy is an amazing process, where you are changed forever….for the better. Regardless of any trial you experience (fatigue, contractions, a restrictive low carb diet, etc), the journey of pregnancy was a wonderful one and something I didn’t ever want to forget.  You often hear people say when asked about moments from their pregnancy, “I can’t quite remember, I wish I would have written it all down”.  Whether we like to admit it or not, old memories often fade as new ones are created.  It’ not easy to recall the tiny details of the past, no matter how hard we may try….As time passes, you won’t always remember how people reacted the moment you shared the news, what you craved for dinner or dessert, how it felt the first time you recognized the “flutter” inside your tummy, the intensity of a contraction, sleep deprivation (or so you thought you knew the meaning of that word), your doctor visits, the drive to the hospital, the labor and delivery process…..the list could go on!  I knew it would be very difficult to keep up week by week with all of the things I experienced and wasn’t sure I would do justice in words trying to explain or portray my pregnancy memories. I wanted to document my experience through a photo book that I would be able to read to our child someday.  There are so many ways to do this, but of course, the nerdy teacher in me took over.  For some odd reason, I had the brilliant most random idea come to mind….holidays.  I thought it would be fun to take pictures of certain weeks based on holidays throughout the year.  Well, I kind of took this to another level and had a blast with it!   Now, if only I could think of a way to create a month by month book for the baby’s first year.  Ideas are always welcome!!  Until then……Carpe Diem!

To view the photo book in full screen, click on the tab in the
upper right hand corner!

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