My Top 5 Posts of 2014!

It was quite the year!  I sure learned a lot about the blogging world and had a lot of fun sharing all of these memories with you!  Come take a look at a recap of my Top 5 Most Viewed Posts from 2014!  Your support and readership has been greatly appreciated and  I’m really looking forward to some exciting changes in 2015.  Stay tuned for future Melly Moments projects and posts.  Can’t wait to bring you along on my blogging adventures in the coming year!


My most popular post  in 2014, which received the most views, was the
SPORTS THEME BIRTHDAY PARTY. Collectively, it has received over 700 pins on Pinterest.  The exciting part about this post is that it contains a lot of free printables and a cute chalkboard tutorial!  Click the pic below to see more!
Another one that received a lot of support was this post on the important lessons I learned during my first year of parenthood.  They helped me navigate my way through motherhood without losing my sanity! These were just 5 PIECES OF ADVICE for parents, among many that I think are valid!


This post of MAMA MUST HAVES includes some helpful suggestions, especially for those of you with young children!  Product reviews are included.  I discuss what items we used, what worked well in our home, and the essentials needed to help us survive sleepless nights and maintain a happy baby!


During the summer, these CHALKBOARD POSTER PRINTS were a hit for Back to School. Since then, I’ve created customized signs for 1st birthdays all the way to 60th surprise parties!  Come take a look at some of the designs!


2014 came to an end with loads of holiday inspiration and Halloween provided a lot of it!  One of my favorite posts from this year showcased these fun and festive DIY HALLOWEEN COSTUMES.  You will find a simple tutorial on how to make my son’s spaghetti and meatball costume included!

I hope you enjoyed this recap!  Thank you so very much for your kind words, support, and dedicated following over the course of the past year.  I’m still learning and setting new goals to make this blog better, so that you feel inspired to go out and do what makes you happy!

I hope you continue to follow me on my blogging adventures!  Cheers to 2015, a year full of many good things to come 🙂

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