
is something I tend to feel a lot……..that’s just me.   It’s not that I wish I could go back to the past, but I do wish I could sometimes relive the feelings I’ve experienced at certain moments in my life.  I love to reminisce.  The beauty, the scenery, the authenticity of a place…..I can go back and look at pictures a million times and see something new to appreciate.  As I was looking through some photos from the past few years, I smiled.  I smile because they remind me of simple pleasures.  They remind me of trips that I’ve been fortunate enough to take. Here are some that I happened upon.  These make me want to be more adventurous, spontaneous, and carefree… go to a place I’ve never been and snap away… I can always remember what I’ve been so lucky to witness:

My nephew, Dylan, who is growing up way too fast!  He has a heart of gold…..ask anyone.
My niece, Alexa, who is so big now!  Look how little she was in this picture!
She is the most playful, adventurous, fearless little girl and I love her more than anything.
I just miss those baby faces on them.  
Where in the world does time go?  Savor these moments….before you know it, they will be gone….they go by way too fast!
These next few are from the butterfly garden in Key West, Florida.  This is when Kyle and I took our very first Keys trip about four years ago.  This place totally sucked me in and didn’t throw me back out until a few hours later.  It was packed with life….no matter which way you turned!
These are from my first visit to Naples, Florida……in the winter of 2005. 
I was like a little kid who has never seen the ocean before….pure excitement
These next shots are from my trip to Peru……a country with amazing culture! The parrot was taken as I sat five feet away from it eating breakfast in Nazca. The little girl was walking down the sidewalk in front of our hostel. Do you really think I could pass up a picture of the awesome garb and baby goat? Absolutely not. 
My Machu Picchu journey……this is a photo from the very top of the Andes 
as I look down on the breathtaking landscape! 
What I like to call, “A Look into Heaven”
 These are places we visited in the main square in Cuzco
 And…….just some randoms along the way!
Carpe diem…..until next time!
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