2015 had come and gone in a blink of an eye. I suppose part of it has to do with my second son being born this past summer. Those of you with young kids know all too well how fast the time flies. It’s hard to believe I actually had time to blog, let alone put together some festive parties, craft up a few fun gifts, and attempt a couple DIY projects. It was a busy and eventful year and {Read More}
Looking Fear in the Face
I went out to lunch with my mom a few weeks ago. As we sat at the table, I told her about a random thought that had been consuming me, “I feel like everyone I can possibly think of has gone through, is currently facing, or has always experienced a really big struggle in their life.” Whether it be… Marital issues and/or divorce, Finding out someone has cancer or a lifelong illness, Having a child with special needs, Losing a {Read More}
You’ve Been BOOED: Halloween Door Hanger
A simple and easy way to create some fun in your neighborhood, school, or workplace is to BOO someone with a special treat! This little Halloween activity takes minimal preparation and time. All you need to do is download the door hanger and accompanying sign below. If you would like to weather proof it like me, you can have it laminated! Either way works fine. Fill a cup with candy, put together a little bag of goodies, or share a spooky {Read More}
A Cheer Up “Sunshine” Basket
Lately, a few people in my life have been going through some challenging times. The struggles they are facing have brought about stress, worry, uncertainty, and feelings of pain or sadness. You wonder how you can help and make things better. I’m sure we all know a person or two who is fighting some kind of battle. While we can’t make their problems disappear, there are many ways we can brighten up their day. Do you know of anyone who {Read More}
Must Haves for Moms: Post Pregnancy
For those of you who don’t know, this lady recently became a proud mama of two!! Six weeks ago, we welcomed another beautiful baby boy into the world! With dirty diapers to change, middle of the night feedings, and a body that just went through birth, there are a few things that have helped me to get by each day. These Mom “Must Haves” are some of my favorite items that make life a little easier and more enjoyable! {Read More}
The BEST of Back to School: PARENT & TEACHER edition
It’s BACK TO SCHOOL time and I know many of you parents and teachers are in preparation mode. Gearing up for all of those special kids in your life, it’s time to get ready for another fabulous year! Buying supplies and creating unique memories can be time consuming and EXPENSIVE! Whether it is to help you get your classroom ready, create that one-of-a-kind gift for your child’s teacher, fancy up your kiddo’s supplies with personalized labels, or start a {Read More}