August is just around the corner and we know what that means. BACK TO SCHOOL Hearing these 3 words can bring about different emotions. As a parent, you might feel excited to get back into the swing of things and have structure/routine back for your kids! As a teacher, you hold on tightly to these days of relaxation and freedom, savoring time in the sunshine and moments with your family. When see the back to school supplies flood the {Read More}
Watch It Wednesday: Say What?!
So, we’ve all seen the videos before. You know, the ones where we watch someone right after they come out of getting their wisdom teeth pulled. They say crazy things, get very emotional, and sometimes are egged on my family members. I’m right there with most of them. I would find it very hard not to laugh and would be highly tempted to continue asking questions that would hopefully elicit a memorable response. Most of you probably do not know {Read More}
Motivation Monday: Love Letter #5 – Measure of a Man
So, I’ve been a mom for 13 measly months. Basically, I know nothing. There are days where I wonder what kind of impact I will have on my son. This whole parenting thing has a huge learning curve. Each and every day, I make a litany of mistakes. Being a mom requires a ton of responsibility. Aside from the basics of feeding, bathing, and comforting your little one, you have equally as important things to focus on….such as teaching {Read More}
Friends & Family Friday: JUNE…Where Did You Go?!
The month of June felt like it had come and gone in a millisecond. Every single weekend was completely packed with events and I’m surprised I made it through alive! To begin the month, my son turned one and we hosted his birthday party during the first weekend of June. It was a wonderful celebration with many of our family and friends, but planning for it all took a lot out of this lady. Yet, his smiling face always makes it {Read More}
Thrifty Thursday: Summer Subway Art
So, I’ve been MIA for the past two weeks. The phrase, “Just another manic Monday” should be more like, “Just another manic Month”. Yes…that would accurately describe the start of my summer. To find out what I’ve been up to in the month of June, be sure to come back tomorrow and find out all the details! But, in the meantime, I’m providing another FREE printable. Since we just moved back into our house (if you remember correctly, we’ve been {Read More}
Thrifty Thursday: Travel Checklists
Welcome Back to the Thrifty Thursday Series! We just got home from a wonderful week in Florida. You couldn’t have wished for better weather. Vacations are always something I look forward to…. I mean, don’t we all?? But there are two aspects of vacationing that I DO NOT get excited about. In fact, I shudder at the very thought of it. PACKING and UNPACKING. I am the notorious over packer. I never wind up wearing 1/3 of the items {Read More}