The Waxing and Waning of Wanting and Wishing

I WANT, but I WISH…. We all go through this cycle. I’m not immune to it and neither are you. Life is interesting (to say the least). Whether you’re a parent or not, I’d be shocked if you haven’t found yourself fluctuating between the wanting and wishing of things. Our thoughts and feelings can often contradict each other, and sometimes it happens all in the same breath, the very same moment. I WANT a bigger house… but WISH I didn’t have to clean it {Read More}

Prelude: Pregnancy (Part 3)

Welcome to Part 3 of the Birth Series.  If you need to get caught up: PART 1 PART 2 And now continuing from where we left off….. “I want to show you something we noticed.” This time, it wasn’t about the congenital heart defect on the screen. It was something more rare….and tough to wrap my head around in the moments that followed. This finding on the ultrasound is what would send me into an unexpected c-section surgery later that {Read More}

Prelude: Pregnancy (Part 2)

To say it’s been a tough 2017 and 2018 for our family (and my husbands) would be quite an understatement.  From my father-in-law getting diagnosed with a secondary cancer (first lymphoma, now prostate cancer) to my dad being in a wheelchair and not able to fully engage with his grandkids the way he used to….was tough. It’s been a hard season. So much weight our moms have had to carry. Such big mountains our dads have had to climb. Surgeries, {Read More}

Holiday Traditions – Bucket Lists & Santa Letters!

Tis the season for family traditions! This time of year is BUUUUUSY for most of us, with our schedules filling up months before the holidays. In the midst of the chaos, let’s make sure we commit to creating moments that matter…traditions to carry on over the years. There are so many fun activities to do with your friends and family over the next couple of months, BUT, if you don’t plan ahead (even with the best of intentions)….trust me, they {Read More}

SNOW one quite like you!

(Singing out loud…) It’s the MOST wonderful time of the yeeeeear!!  Oh how I love the holidays. But, with it comes a lot of shopping, which can be fun…OR a lot of added stress, especially with all the people to buy for. Once your kids are in school, there will be many teachers, coaches, babysitters, bus drivers, etc. to get gifts! This shouldn’t deter you from letting people know they matter and are valued. You can do this on a {Read More}

Prelude – Pregnancy (Part 1)

The pregnancy and birth of our third child wrecked me to my core.  There, I said it.  The honest truth.  I haven’t shared much about this journey for many reasons.  It requires me to be vulnerable, open, and transparent. I’ve always been nervous that once I tell her (our) story aloud to people, the circumstances would become permanent. Or, it would be insignificant and unworthy of telling.  I’ve always been somewhat of a private person when it comes to life’s {Read More}