Slowly but surely

I’ve realized that “slow and steady” certainly will win the race!  If you rush to get to the finish line, you miss all the fun along the way! No matter how organized, productive, or focused you are…’s a lot of stinkin work to make a house feel like a home! Kyle and I moved in at the beginning of February, and of course, I immediately had a vision for every single room.  I imagined where pictures would hang, candles would sit, and the array of fabric that could be used!  Being the impulsive person I am, it was hard knowing that I needed to be patient and this all would NOT happen in one day.  Patience…..something that is hard for me, especially when I get excited and eager about something.   Well, there have been a lot of awesome finds that came about this month.  Take these frames for instance.  They cost me 99 cents each at Goodwill (after a few unsuccessful visits).  With a little spray paint and a touch of lacquer, I was able to fix up these frames so I could finally put some of our wedding pictures in them!

               Peachy, pink frame                          Shiny gold frame
Mocha Latte spray painted frames – now sitting atop our bedroom dresser!
Next up is another little project I decided to try my hand at.  I wanted to hang a “To Do” board  in the kitchen, somewhere for me to write my “list of items” that will be needed from the grocery store.  Being the nerdy teacher I am, I decided a chalkboard would be cute and handy:
            BEFORE                                           AFTER

And what I’ve anxiously been awaiting for since last week.  
I was so excited for the FedEx man to drop them off at our doorstep today…..

These are the wedding canvases that I got in the mail today!!  They are a few snapshots from our Trash the Dress session.  I received these canvases as a gift and finally got around to choosing which three images I wanted blown up!  I’m happy with the way they turned out……now it’s just a matter of where to put them.  Oh, Decisions, decisions……

Lastly, I needed to find something to accompany my new and improved chair that I bought for $5 at Goodwill.   After reupholstering and painting it, it was still missing something.  It was a friend to accompany it.  So, I was on a hunt for a desk.  AND a desk we found……
So, the house is becoming a home… little step at a time…..with  A LOT OF PATIENCE 🙂   It’s important to let go of my immediate impulsions and the desire to have everything done all at once.  It’s fun to go through the process and see things transform gradually.  Now that I will be going back to work in a couple of weeks, I need to be sure to keep up with my DIY efforts.  Next up on the list is a customized beverage cart for our balcony.  I want to get it finished before summer is over!  Until next time…….CARPE DIEM!
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