Teal Pumpkin Project: Allergy Awareness

It is estimated that approximately 6 million children, under the age of 18, have a food allergy.

This is 1 in 13 children, or roughly two in every classroom!

Halloween is such an exciting time of year for kids, especially when it comes to trick or treating.  But, if you’re the parent of a child with food allergies, just like my neighbor and close friend, it’s not always a simple stroll around the neighborhood with your family.  Anxiety and worry overtake with the variety of candy and food tossed inside their pumpkin or pillow case. It requires constant monitoring. With the rising rate of food allergies, a very important initiative began called The Teal Pumpkin Project.  If you haven’t heard of it before, be sure to get in the know!

I have no doubt we can become more aware and help make this a safe and inclusive holiday for all kids!  It doesn’t require much.  If every person in your neighborhood or on your block put a teal pumpkin on display (you can paint it, or better yet, pick one up at Target!), posted a sign like this, and offered food safe and non-candy treats, imagine how much relief you will bring to a parent!  I promise you, at some point, you will come to know someone who has a child with a food allergy and this issue WILL (and should) matter to you!

There are SO many different items you can include such as temporary tattoos, bubble wands, glow bracelets, sticker packs, all the little trinkets you come across at the Target Dollar Spot, the Dollar Store, or Five Below.  It’s easy peasy!

So, head on over to my ETSY shop (menu tab above) to grab this instant digital download.  It comes with 4 different versions, two “house” variations you can post on your front door or porch, and two “business” variations for companies to utilize!  Share it with a friend, family member, neighbor, or co-worker and do your part to ensure all kids are able to have fun in a safe way this Halloween!


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