The BEST of Back to School: PARENT & TEACHER edition

It’s BACK TO SCHOOL time and I know many of you parents and teachers are in preparation mode. Gearing up for all of those special kids in your life, it’s time to get ready for another fabulous year! Buying supplies and creating unique memories can be time consuming and EXPENSIVE!   Whether it is to help you get your classroom ready, create that one-of-a-kind gift for your child’s teacher, fancy up your kiddo’s supplies with personalized labels, or start a tradition that continues throughout the years, I’ve got some really cute and creative ideas that I’m featuring today!  They come from some super talented bloggers.  Come take a peek at the FREE (easy to download) printables and fun decor that will help you get going…
I just LOVE this adorable sign from School and the City blog.
What a cute message it sends to parents at curriculum night or Open House.
This can even be used during parent conferences!
Because I just love the “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” book series, I had to share this super cute printable tag with you all from Thirty Handmade Days.  Whether you make the cookies yourself or pick them up from a local bakery, there isn’t a teacher I know that wouldn’t appreciate getting this treat from your child on the 1st day of school!


There are so many fun traditions to start with your child, but this handprint t-shirt from Where the Smiles Have Been is truly unique.  What a special momento this will be when your child graduates high school!  It doesn’t take a lot of prep work….just some paint and a handprint is all you need each year!


Pen and Paint is one of my FAVORITE shops.  She creates beautiful prints of all kinds and she doesn’t disappoint with these fun, FREE printables that help students (and their parents) get to know his/her teacher… and vice versa!
(This one included!)
Heading to the teacher store can leave you with holes in your pocket.  Even if you intend to just pick up a few items, it’s nearly impossible to walk out without breaking the piggy bank!  Classroom posters can add up, especially because there is so much wall space to fill up.  These 7 posters are bright, colorful, useful…..and FREE!!  Nothing beats that.
There are times throughout the day when the door is shut and you don’t want to be disturbed.   These printable door hangers let visitors know what’s taking place in your office or classroom, prompting them to be extra cautious upon knocking or entering!
Parents….you will LOVE these!  From glue sticks to pencils to lunch boxes to pretty much any school supply you can think of, these personalized labels from Lia Griffith Design are FREE to download and EASY to edit.  Your kids will LOVE that all of their personal belongings are labeled with their initial or name.
Forget the markers that smear, use these tags and stickers instead!
If you plan on creating any type of print material, such as forms, worksheets, newsletters, etc……these fonts are great for anything school/teaching related!
This is a great compilation of crafty bulletin board ideas for grades K-6!  What will be your inspiration for door decorations or hallway displays?  Let’s see your creations!
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