Thrifty Thursday: Summer Subway Art

So, I’ve been MIA for the past two weeks.  The phrase, “Just another manic Monday” should be more like, “Just another manic Month”.  Yes…that would accurately describe the start of my summer.
To find out what I’ve been up to in the month of June, be sure to come back tomorrow and find out all the details!  But, in the meantime, I’m providing another FREE printable.  Since we just moved back into our house (if you remember correctly, we’ve been out since January), I’ve been cleaning and organizing like a mad woman.  
One particular item that caught my eye was this picture frame that still stood on top of a cabinet in a room that was not affected by water. 
Hmmm….looks like this needs a little updating, to say the least…..
Ummm, yeah.  This bad boy was still up in the only room that went untouched. Because there were at least 5 holidays that have come and gone since Thanksgiving, I needed to make an update right away.  
So, here ya have it…..a fun and cheerful SUMMER printable.
You simply print it out and stick it in an 8×10 frame and it adds 
the perfect touch of happiness to your home!   
To download this FREE SUMMER PRINTABLE, click HERE!!
Enjoy….see you back here tomorrow for a Friends and Family Friday Update!
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