The time has come!

My entire family will be together just in time for the holidays!  Matty comes home tonight from South America. Although hard to believe, you heard me correctly! Finally, I get to spend some quality time with him and Chris.  Anyone who knows the Sweeney family……knows it will be a crazy, fun-filled, noisy week. That’s right, it will be a LOUD house full of LAUGHTER.  And, when I say loud….that’s no joke 🙂  When you put my dad, Rob, and well….the rest of my family in one room together…get your earplugs ready!  We are  quite the lively bunch (nice way to put it).   This is a time of year that many people do not get the chance to spend with their loved ones and makes me even more grateful for mine!  Remember to take a moment to enjoy the little things, for that is what makes life so meaningful.  

As for me and Kyle, this was our first year celebrating the holidays in our new house.  It will be one year this upcoming February. What an amazing year it has been! Needless to say, it was really exciting to decorate for the holidays.  I just can’t get enough of it.  What can put you in a better mood?!  Here are some pics to enjoy!  Cheers to a week ahead full of adventure, new memories made, rich conversations had, family dinners consumed, hugs given and received, a ton of teasing (mostly directed towards dad, sorry.), photos snapped, songs sung (incorrectly of course…..Rob and I NEVER manage to get the lyrics right), movies watched, opinions shared (standard with this family), games played, and just time spent together, full of LOVE!  What else can one ask for this holiday season?!?

My front bannister with garland.  It started out plain…..but I just had to add all the fun, glittery additions!

This was very tedious a blast to decorate!  See what happens when I visit Michaels/Hobby Lobby during December.  It can become be quite dangerous 🙂   Once you’ve started, there’s no looking back….

Pretty poinsettas
My first ever homemade wreath.  The pre-made ones are so stinkin expensive.  I couldn’t fathom spending the money on one that I could make. Even though it’s a risk and it may turn out like gobbage (my mom’s way of saying “garbage”….had to throw it in!), using your creativity is the fun part!

Um…..let’s talk about this steal!!!  Goodwill has been stellar this season. Managed to scour the many shelves in the store to walk away with these gems. $2.99 a piece! Yep, that’s all it costed me!  Plus, they serve as a good laugh…..go ahead, say the phrases out loud to yourself a few times.  Clever, isn’t it?   I thought so…….(I guess that’s what the nerd in me thinks).

AND, this would be our $4.99 Christmas Tree from Goodwill…..and it’s perfect! Perfect for us 🙂 Haha…..I just noticed that the ribbon fell off the top of the tree……oh well!
And, drum roll please…….this next picture below certainly deserves it!  For any of you who know Kyle’s grandma (the one who is a tad obsessed with frogs), you will completely understand these stockings!  Aren’t they fun?  Bet you’ve never seen any like them!  That’s what I like about them….no one else you will ever come across will have these puppies hanging from their fireplace.  They are truly one of a kind!
Yep, we are totally rocking frog stockings!

 And……you can never have enough trees glamming up your place 🙂

Until next time…..CARPE DIEM!!

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