Tooth Fairy & Potty Training Prints

As busy moms, we all want to create magical moments for our kids, especially when they’re little. From being fully potty trained to losing their first tooth, we want to celebrate each milestone they meet. To help make these events a little more special, I’m sharing these free printables that you can download and print instantly!

I don’t know about you, but having 3 kids, I’m officially the mom who is scrambling the night before the Tooth Fairy is anticipated to make his/her grand visit! I’m about to go to bed when BAM! – I forgot to leave something under the pillow. Ugh, what to do now at 10pm? Well, I’ve got ya covered. Just print out these Tooth Fairy Cards, tape a dollar to the back and VOILA, you’re set! Simple and easy.

For all of you daycare providers, nannies, or stay at home mamas, this award is an important one. Potty training isn’t for the faint of heart, let me tell you! It is an arduous endeavor requiring LOADS of patience! But, nothing is better than the feeling of pride and the smile beaming across your toddler’s face when they go on the potty all by themselves. Independence is a glorious thing! So, to celebrate this BIG milestone (I swear, I think potty training is worse than teeting), print out this tag on some sticker adhesive paper and have your child wear it around proudly! Stick it on their shirt, backpack, forehead….anywhere!

Because us moms they deserve it!

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