10 Winter Themed Books for Kids

So, winter doesn’t officially begin until December 21st.  However, if you live in Chicago or the surrounding area (okay, anywhere but FL.), then you have been experiencing winter weather to its finest.  Today it was 10 degrees with a negative windchill.  Can you say FRIGID?!
I don’t know about you but days like today make me want to bury myself under a blanket, turn on the fireplace, grab some hot chocolate and read a book to my son!  Wishful thinking that any of the first 3 will happen, but hey….someday it will….when he isn’t so squirmy and on the move.
Life of a 17 month old, I tell ya!
The former teacher in me is always on the hunt for fun seasonal books to add to our library.  With the holidays approaching, some of you may be in search of some unique selections, too!  I’ve compiled a list of my top ten winter themed books for kids!  From their beautiful illustrations to clever story lines, you’ve got to check these out!  They are just too cute to pass on.
Don’t waste any more time….come take a peek and find out a
little more about each book I’ve chosen for you!  If you’d like to purchase one or all of the following books, click on the book title!

1. Snowmen at Night – Author: Caralyn Buehner

This is one of my all-time favorite children’s books.  The illustrations on each page are adorable and will prompt an exciting discussion between you and your child!  The story elicits wonder in kids and takes them on an adventure during the middle of the night, highlighting all the fun activities snowmen do while the rest of the world sleeps!  Other books in this series include Snowmen at Christmas, Snowmen at Work, and Snowmen All Year Long!  I just can’t say enough wonderful things about these books!


2. Bear Stays Up For Christmas – Author: Karma Wilson

This is another fantastic book that is part of a wonderful series!  What I love about all of the books within this series is that the characters remain the same with their unique personality traits and behaviors.  My son currently loves Bear Snores On, so I’m really looking forward to starting this book with him next!

3. A Wish to Be a Christmas Tree – Author: Colleen Monroe    

This tale is a charming and enchanting one!  The illustrations are extremely captivating! This book is about a saddened pine tree who yearns to become a Christmas tree.  Through the actions of his forest friends, children will learn the meaning of kindness and generosity. I love the simple message the story sends to the readers.  Help your friends.  Show kindness.  Encourage others.


Similar to other great books, The Mitten and The Napping House, this story follows the same story concept.  Animals are freezing cold on a blustery, winter night and knock on the park keeper’s door to come in, warm up, and stay.  The sequence of
events adds to the anticipation of an unexpected ending which creates a little laughter!

5. The Christmas Quiet Book – Author: Deborah Underwood

While it is a simply stated book with minimal text, it speaks volumes!  I received The Loud Book for my baby shower and then purchased The Quiet Book shortly thereafter.  The Christmas Quiet Book is a new way of looking at what “quiet” means, in the most creative way!  I highly recommend that you check out this series.  It will help give new meaning to our conventional thinking of what is “loud” and “quiet”.

6. Little Critter’s The Night Before Christmas – Author: Mercer Meyer

Who doesn’t love Little Critter books from Mercer Meyer!?  I remember LOVING these books as a kid, always searching for the spider on each page, as it was carefully hidden somewhere.  These stories were some of my favorites growing up, especially when Little Critter went to the beach with his grandma.  Such a good one!  If you haven’t heard of these, get out from under the hole you are living in and check out this series.  It is a must!  I’ve been so excited to introduce these to my son and can’t wait to bring this one into the mix.  It is a fun and silly read for kids of all ages!

7. The Jolly Christmas Postman – Author: Allan Ahlberg  


Do you remember how fun it was to read the original Jolly Postman book back in the day?  This was a weekly checkout for me during library time at school.  I was the kid who got super excited to open up the envelopes and read the creative letters that were waiting within.  In this edition, I particularly like how these letters involve well-known characters in children’s literature, such as Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, and more!  Add this to your shopping list, as it is sure to be a crowd pleaser with the kids.

8. My Penguin Osbert – Author: Elizabeth Cody Kimmel


This book sends the message, “Be careful what you wish for” in a cute and clever way.  I’m willing to guarantee that most children who read this book will be able to relate to the main character’s initial dilemma.  As kids, haven’t we all been there before?! Written with tongue-in-cheek humor, this story will make kids laugh and realize the true importance of Christmas.  This book will leave you with a sense of what’s really worth wishing for!

9. S is for Star – Author: Cynthia Furlong Reynlods


This is the only non-fiction book on this list and it’s fantastic!  This book talks primarily about Christian traditions, but tells of other traditions from all across the world. This serves as a great family read, which can be read to children of all ages.  I particularly like how the information is displayed in two levels. For younger kids, it uses a rhyme scheme on the main portion of the page to keep their attention. For older ones, the interesting facts go in more depth in the side margins.  This is a book that won’t be read in just one sitting.  There are so many facts to learn and talk about!

10. There was a Cold Lady who Swallowed Some Snow -Lucille Colandro

There are so many books in the “There was an Old Lady” book series.  You can’t help but love them!  They are silly and goofy, which makes kids love them.  This seasonal version has an interesting end that pulls each event together.  I wonder what will happen after everything she swallows, aside from just the snow?  You’ll have to read it to find out!

So, there you have it.  My 10 favorite seasonal winter books for kids!  If you happen to buy or read any of them, let me know your thoughts.  I’d love to know what you think!  If there are any that you love and didn’t happen to make this list (aside from the classics like Polar Express and such), I would love to hear about them.  As I said, we are always on the hunt for new finds!
                                             BUY THESE TOP 10 WINTER BOOKS ON AMAZON

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