You go through stages in life. Some are easier than others.
The following e-cards accurately depict
the stage I am currently going through.
Here are 15 that top my list this Tuesday!
I was hoping that becoming a mother would turn me into a morning person.
Sadly, this just isn’t the case. Maybe I should start drinking coffee?!
With a sound machine on, the bedroom door closed, and the husband
sleeping soundly, it’s amazing how quickly my senses have been heightened.
Being a mom requires a keen sense of hearing!
And if you don’t have enough time to run…or you fear it
will make even more noise, you quickly duck…out of sight,
hoping they don’t notice your presence….
praying they go back to sleep.
Having energy, being spontaneous, maintaining a care-free attitude…..
yeah, it just doesn’t happen like it used to. Let’s just face it.
The fun factor in our lives takes on new meaning after having a baby.
Friday night circa 2004
Getting ready at 8pm. Night out with my girlfriends.
Dinner. Drinks. Dancing.
Friday night circa 2014
Getting ready for bed at 8pm. Night in with my sweats.
Dinner is cold. Drinking makes me tired. Dancing in my sleep.
Actually, it’s not just children. Husbands fall into this category as well.
I was forgetful before I became a mom.
But, when I was pregnant, I had an excuse.
Now, I just chalk it all up to BMS.
It’s the only way I can get people to sympathize with me.
You know you’ve been there…don’t deny it! The moment it
becomes normal to open up the door to your washer, pick out a piece of
clothing and take a whiff. The worst part is that it isn’t the first time that
week you did this to the same load of laundry. Somehow it just keeps
getting washed. You only hope the clothes don’t begin to fade!
Because water just doesn’t cut it these days. I need some motivation!
No matter how many times I tell myself that I’m wasting precious time by
spending it on Pinterest….self control goes out the window!
I have enough recipes, craft projects, and home design ideas pinned to
last a lifetime. I will probably only attempt or complete 1/100 of them.
I could spend hours upon hours in this single store alone.
I know I am not the only one with this problem.
How does one manage to go in EVERY single section of the store
before eventually arriving at the checkout counter?
Because Pinterest helps me organize my organization ideas.
Makes sense, right?!
I can’t begin to tell you how often this happens!! Seriously. It is quite scary.
I frequently wonder, “Did I go through any red lights and not know it?”
Oh, Pinterest… bring out the idealist in me. The dreamer.
How simple and enjoyable life used to be before you came around!
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