Top of the List Tuesday: Mama Must-Haves

It was not too long ago that I was asking questions about what to put on my baby shower registry. Because…let’s be honest….you don’t have a CLUE as to what you will need, the items that will actually be useful, and the things that are a complete waste of money.  I’m not sure about you, but when I walked into Buy Buy Baby for the very first time, let’s just say I was in a moment of shock. The words “overwhelmed” and “holy crap” are understatements to the feelings that overcome you.  Is there really a need for 80+ different kinds of strollers (organized in three tiers, some of which you can’t even see or reach) offered for you to purchase?

Or how about the abundance of rockers and gliders showcased?  
After 5 minutes in this section, I found myself taking a nap in each one….losing focus and energy, which doesn’t come easy when you’re pregnant. From sleepers, to bathtubs, to diaper pails, to pacifiers, to bottles, to swings, to carseats… name it, there are a gazillion options to choose from.  
After going home from your first visit, there is a lot to digest and process.  
The next step? Well, research the items on the internet, of course.   
Hah!  With what time?
Instead, you decide to consult with your momma friends who have 
“Been there, done that”. These are the people who will be most helpful, especially the ones who are currently going through new stages of parenthood or have years of experience with a wealth of knowledge to impart. But, wait…’s not as easy and simple as one would think.
Yes, your momma friends CAN be super helpful.  But, what we all tend to forget and soon realize is that we all have DIFFERENT children….who will respond and react in their own, unique way.  
Some babies will love to be swaddled, while others seem to feel like they are wearing a straightjacket.  Some babies will thrive on pacifiers, while others do just fine with a finger or two. There will be moms who swear by the Ergo carriers or Baby Bjorns, while others felt there wasn’t a need. There will be moms who LOVE this certain product, while another mom thinks it’s terrible. So, you have to do your own research, go through a few trial and error sessions, and figure out what works for your family.  

With all of this being said, here are just a few items we use(d) that have officially made the “Top of My List”.  These are the products that eased my transition into parenthood….making the cranky “witching hour” a little more tolerable, or helping my little one sleep just a bit more peacefully, or entertaining my baby during long car rides, or answering the multitude of questions I have running through my mind when he is sick or irritable.
Again, these items have worked for my baby, but realize that they are not suited for everyone!    

 Let me just start out by saying that swaddling a baby in a blanket is not an easy feat….especially with the ever so popular Aden & Anais muslin blankets.  Those blankets are very lightweight and quite large.  The older your child gets and more mobile, the harder it is to get a nice, burrito type swaddle. I learned the hard way FAR too many times.  There’s nothing more frustrating than 5 minutes after you put the baby down to see his little fingers…and then hand…. fully submerge from the blanket. It completely ruined your perfectly made swaddle (or so you thought).  
The SwaddleMe brand, Swaddlepod is a saving grace.  It only comes in Newborn size (recommended for 5-10 lbs).  I actually put my son in this until about 3 months, when we was about 13 lbs.  Yes, this is over the suggested weight limit, but it simply made him more snug in it.  No worries….it did not restrict his breathing or make him uncomfortable in any way.  He was just like a little pea in a pod.  Seriously, the zipper is the best part.  This made things as easy as could be.  I didn’t have to worry about the swaddle being broken or the blanket covering his face and suffocating him.  
After the Swaddlepod, we moved onto the Halo Sleep Sack.  This serves as more of a wearable blanket.  With this on, I never worry if my son is warm enough during the cold winter months.  He can move around easily, especially when he flips over in the middle of the night.  I would highly recommend these two brands and all of its products.  A sure keeper in my books!
JUST WAIT…until the first time your baby gets his/her first cold.  Forget learning how to sit up, or crawl, or walk.  All I yearn for is the day he can learn how to blow his own nose.  Sounds crazy, but it’s true.  You feel so helpless knowing that your child has a nose full of snot and fully relies on you to soothe him and ease the discomfort.  
Oh what a love/hate relationship I have with you!  Yes, when my son sneezes and looks like the picture below,  I acknowledge that you are the only instrument that can help.  I will go to any length to help rid the horrible congestion. Luckily, my son….for some reason, manages to smile through the snot. But, many of you aren’t quite as fortunate.

The infamous nasal suction bulb can work wonders…specifically the blue one you get from the hospital that has, HANDS DOWN, the best suction strength out of any on the market!   You and I have become quite good friends this winter…..that is, until I came across the disgusting picture you see below. 
I am afraid to say, it is what you think it is.  Yep, MOLD.  You see, for a slight hypochondriac and germaphobe like myself, this just doesn’t settle well with me.  In fact, it completely grossed me out and I immediately stopped using mine.  I just couldn’t fathom washing it out and wondering if that is what mine looked like on the inside.  Needless to say, I was in search of a new nasal bulb or aspirator that would clean well and work just as efficiently.  
After a couple people mentioning this odd contraption, I decided to give it a whirl.   The very thought of sucking out mucus with my very own mouth wasn’t too appealing. But, I decided I’d man up and give it a try! Why not?!  
Well, I’m happy to say that it performs far better than the blue nasal bulb.  The only downfall is that Ethan STILL screams for the entire neighborhood to hear when I put anything near his nose.  Regardless of what kind I use, the same result occurs.  But, in terms of effectiveness and cleanliness, Nosefrida takes the prize!  Try it out and let me know what you think.
TAGGIES Products

The endless amount of toys your child will begin to acquire is just plain ridiculous.  You will have baskets and bins completely full before the baby is even born.  Here’s the thing.  As many moms will tell you, the truth is….your baby can have a house full of light up toys, musical toys, colorful toys, toys that make every sound known to man.   But, there are some things that can occupy my son for more time than any toy will.
A vast majority of them are simple household items.
Measuring cups….check!
Magazines, tissue paper, anything that makes a crunchy sound…..check!
Tags, tags, tags….of all kinds….DOUBLE CHECK!
A few days ago, my son started army crawling.  What was the motivation, you ask? Tags, of course.  It doesn’t matter where one is… can be on a blanket, on my shirt, on a cord, you name it.  No matter where there is a tag, he somehow finds a way to locate it and suck away.  He will bypass any toy on the floor to get to a tag.  I kid you not!  
Thus, the inventor of the Taggie brand is a genius.  Wish I thought of this!  They make everything from blankets, to rattles, to footies and clothing, and so much more!  So, if you’re on the go and you can’t seem to find a “tag” anywhere….be sure to pick up a Taggie brand item.  This blanket above goes with us everywhere.  You need a few extra minutes to keep him entertained in the grocery store?  Throw in a Taggie blanket.  Need him to calm down in the car when he becomes fussy, just give him some tags!

I’m not going to lie to you.  Reading books and perusing the internet can become addicting, for all the wrong reasons.  You can self diagnose anything and everything.  No joke.  Before you know it, you will find yourself dreaming about parenting blogs, sleep training, food schedules, milestone development, symptoms of every illness you can possibly think of, and the list goes on!  
The one thing I’ve learned so far that has been one of the most important lessons is to read your child, not solely a book.  There are books upon books that will contradict one another.  Some say let them cry it out, while others say that babies need to be snuggled and loved.  Every single child responds to things differently.  But, if you’re anything like me… occasionally need some peace of mind.  This helps you get through scary, anxiety ridden moments when you feel like a total failure.  You question yourself and your decision making.  You ask yourself questions like:
Am I doing something wrong? 
Is this normal?
How do I know if I’m doing this right?
There are many wonderful books to read, but many will often try to convince you of a certain parenting approach.  Eat, Sleep, Poop is more of a fact based book, written by a pediatrician turned dad.  
Of all the ones I’ve read so far, this one has been the most useful.
This book is very straightforward and has a wonderful “Common Sense” Box at the end of each chapter.  It has been my “Go To” guide.  Each section offers valuable insight that is simply stated and easy to understand.   And who are we kidding….the three main areas of our child’s life that consume us the first year is their eating habits, sleeping patterns, and….well, POOP! 
Nothing tells us more about our child’s health than these three categories.  
Eat, Sleep, Poop is one I highly recommend for new moms. It was given to me right before I had Ethan.  If I had my choice, I would have read it before having him and then checked back in when necessary throughout the first year.  

I will just start out by saying that I was absolutely against this toy from the moment I learned about it.  I just couldn’t wrap my head around the price tag. I figured I could just go to a local pet store and pick up a cute squeak toy of some degree, and my baby would like it just as much.  There was NO WAY in the world this dumb giraffe was worth that price.  Nothing novel about it.

This is a game changer.  PERIOD.  Seriously, if Ethan is ever in one of those moods…..where nothing seems to make a difference…..just pull out Sophie.  
I don’t know what it is about this toy, but he absolutely LOVES it.  
He could chew on this for days if I let him….

I’ve also come to find out recently that the company, Vulli, also carries other teething products.  They are little alien type guys shown below, named Chan, Pie, and Gnon.  Cute little family of critters, eh?!
The very last item that topped my list for “Mama Must-Haves” happens to be the most important.  There really is no explanation needed for this one.  
After the countless hours we put into this amazing job… that often leaves us exhausted and completely drained of all energy, 
you certainly deserve a great big…..
If you don’t take time for yourself and indulge every so often, you will become a great, big, HOT MESS… the lovely lady pictured below!  
You deserve some R&R at the end of the day. 
So, be sure to take care of yourselves, ladies.  
Don’t ever forget…we do have the most important job on the planet!

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