It was not too long ago that I was asking questions about what to put on my baby shower registry. Because…let’s be honest….you don’t have a CLUE as to what you will need, the items that will actually be useful, and the things that are a complete waste of money. I’m not sure about you, but when I walked into Buy Buy Baby for the very first time, let’s just say I was in a moment of shock. The words “overwhelmed” and “holy crap” are understatements to the feelings that overcome you. Is there really a need for 80+ different kinds of strollers (organized in three tiers, some of which you can’t even see or reach) offered for you to purchase?
With all of this being said, here are just a few items we use(d) that have officially made the “Top of My List”. These are the products that eased my transition into parenthood….making the cranky “witching hour” a little more tolerable, or helping my little one sleep just a bit more peacefully, or entertaining my baby during long car rides, or answering the multitude of questions I have running through my mind when he is sick or irritable.
Again, these items have worked for my baby, but realize that they are not suited for everyone!

A vast majority of them are simple household items.
I will just start out by saying that I was absolutely against this toy from the moment I learned about it. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the price tag. I figured I could just go to a local pet store and pick up a cute squeak toy of some degree, and my baby would like it just as much. There was NO WAY in the world this dumb giraffe was worth that price. Nothing novel about it.