Watch It Wednesday: A Quick “Pick Me Up”

I don’t know about you all, but I sure have needed a little “Pick Me Up” lately.  
We all go through a rut sometimes and can’t quite seem to pick ourselves up from the ground. This past month, I feel like I’ve been stretched to my limit…..drained, both mentally and physically. I knew at the start of this week, things were going to turn around soon.  The weather has been much more enjoyable as of late.  A walk with the stroller was actually quite enjoyable.   The birds singing their beautiful little melodies outside my window in the morning is much better than my alarm clock going off!  I wake up a MUCH happier person knowing that I will walk outside….NOT having to don a winter coat.  Fresh air never felt so good!! Ahh…’s the little things.  
But, what makes me happier than ANYTHING is waking up to this little dude every morning. I’m not really sure how he is 10 months old already.
It kind of baffles me to think he is almost a year.

 Every single time I see this face, I feel more relaxed and content.  He always manages to find a way to ease stresses I am carrying.  So, because today is Wednesday, and also Hump Day, I’m sure we all could use something to make us smile… help us get through the rest of this week!  So, here are two little clips I’ve captured recently for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!!

Don’t mind when the video flips to the side.  
Just listen to his laugh.  That’s all you need!
Something about babies trying a lemon for the first time…..
such priceless facial expressions!

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