Watch it Wednesday: Take on Life

This short video, narrated by a young child,
shares a simple and powerful message.

Here are a few noteworthy parts from the video worth highlighting….

“Greatness ain’t about being cool.  A great man or woman will never fit in, because they stand out.  But I get it, you want it easy.  But if greatness was easy, you would see a lot of successful 
people and a lot of great people.”  

This is true, and yet, it can be hard to grasp this notion.  The words “greatness” and “popularity” are often deemed synonymous.  But, greatness is far more than being cool.  It is more than fitting a mold. It’s more than playing the part.  It’s more than meets the eye. True greatness works behind the scenes, rarely gets noticed, and doesn’t come easy.

“You can’t let other peoples opinion define 
your reality.  I guarantee you won’t find one successful person in history that people didn’t laugh at.  Stop worrying about your reputation because your reputation is what people think about you, your character is who you are.” 

  Many people live their entire life allowing what other people think to dictate the choices they make. People worry about how they will be perceived instead of the reflection of their character. At the end of the road, it’s not about who liked you, agreed with you, or sided with you.  Other people will only know a portion of your life story.  It’s about the manner in which you lived your life. Your legacy shouldn’t be based on the amount of people you pleased or number of friends you had.

“You don’t gotta be great to get started, 
but you gotta get started to be great!”

You will never have it all figured out.  The most successful people, the true “Greats”, are those who take chances, aren’t afraid to take risks, and never allow what other people think to get in the way of their dreams.  To show the world your greatness, you’ve gotta take the first step.  Just start somewhere….and don’t look back!


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