Watch It Wednesday: A Year Later…

Last year at this time, I was ending my school year and on the verge of starting my journey as a new mom.  I thought then that it was a tough decision to make…..staying at home with him full time, quitting a job that I loved. To be honest, I wasn’t certain that I made the right decision.

I doubted myself.  A lot. 

Just this week, my husband asked me, “Aren’t you glad you made the decision to stay home with him?” He has always reminded me that I can go back to work anytime I choose.  He also reminded me of all these wonderful moments I’ve been so fortunate to be a part of on a daily basis.
He is right.  
I’ve been extraordinarily blessed to be with my son every day for the past year. To witness the changes, the growth, the smiles and laughter…. it is what makes being a mom so incredible.  You just can’t get it back.  
I am forever grateful for this gift.  
The thing is, it goes by in a flash of a second.  I remember the days building up to the main event. We experienced every emotion one could imagine.  The anticipation was high and we just couldn’t wait to meet our child.

Then, you wake up one day and you have a tiny little newborn
baby that fits perfectly in the crook of your arm.  

 AND a blink of an eye, he is one years old.  He is no longer an infant, but instead a toddler.  He no longer fully depends on just you, but seeks to explore the world around him. His personality blossoms right before your eyes.  

As would be expected, I’ve been quite nostalgic lately (in true Mel fashion). With the thousands of pictures I’ve taken, I decided to compile a video highlighting photos and video clips from his first year of life.  
In two days, we will celebrate a little boy who has brought joy to our lives in more ways than we ever knew possible.

Life sure is a lot better with you in it, Ethan Lee.   I love you!

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