What would you name yours?

Your boat that is! What would you call it? I never had a possession that I actually “named”….like men do with cars. But, I have to admit, I was quite enthralled with the varying amount of boat names that I came across while walking along the boat dock in Florida. Where in the world did they think of them?
It got me to thinking……what would I name my boat? I mean, it would have to carry some type of significance or meaning from my life. But, it’s like a tatoo. Once you decide, that’s pretty much it! No going back to do it over. I guess that’s why I’ve never gotten a tatoo…..primarily because I am so indecisive. So, there you have it…..I’m indecisive and would have a lot of trouble coming up with a name for a boat. Jeeez….if you can only imagine what it will be like the day I have children and need to conjur up a name for him/her. Okay, so back to the boat. As I perused the wide range of titles splashed across the stern of each one, I came across some creative titles:



So, this leaves me wondering….


Come on….entertain and intrigue me with your ideas. Go ahead. Captivate me with your creativity.    Not that I intend on having a boat anytime soon, but I’m interested in hearing what yours would be!

Recently, I finished reading a non grad school book called The Happiness Project.   It is of one woman’s account of what makes her happy and the goals she sets to acquire happiness.  I decided to look further into this and begin my own little journey.  So, I started with something I know brings much satisfaction and contentment to my life……PHOTOGRAPHY.   Too often, we let the beauty in life bypass us or go unappreciated.  We allow the “everyday” to become the ordinary rather than seeing it as the extraordinary.  If we open up our eyes, we can see magnificent things in the day to day happenings.  Here is what I saw today….

See what is out there……if you just take the time to slow down, look around, and appreciate all that surrounds you, regardless of where you are…..a city, beach, house, car, at work, on top of a mountain, with your family, wherever! Happiness encompasses you….it’s all around, if you just look close enough!

 Live it up!
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